Untitled ECON3011: Essay Assignment Choose one of the topics below on contemporary issues, research it widely in journal, books, professional magazines, etc and write a reasoned essay about the issue...

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Untitled ECON3011: Essay Assignment Choose one of the topics below on contemporary issues, research it widely in journal, books, professional magazines, etc and write a reasoned essay about the issue and its implications for macroeconomic outcomes and policy. Some suggested sub- questions to address are given under each topic; you may address some or all of these sub-questions. · Format: Maximum 1500 words. You may use any number of figures and diagrams and tables. Use 12 point font, 1.5 line spaces and A4 page size. · Remember to cite any writing that is not your own, and you must use quotation marks for text written by another author. The essays will be submitted online on iLearn through TURNITIN that can detect copied material from anywhere at any time globally. Put everything in your words or cite it explicitly. · Late submissions that have not been supported by the University with a Special Consideration application will incur a penalty. CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING POSSIBLE TOPICS 1. Why are interest rates generally so low at present? Focus on nominal versus real interest rates, on saving-investment equilibrium models, on demographic trends, on technology trends, on globalization. Consider negative interest rates and their implications. What are the effects of COVID-19 on interest rates? When, why and how far might interest rates rise? 2. Why are real wages growing so slowly? Is the Phillips curve still relevant? Focus on the changing nature of jobs – technology, globalization; effect on underemployment. What has happened to the modern Phillips curve? If it does not work empirically, does this mean the New Keynesian macro model is dead? How has the COVID-19 shock and the policy responses affected wage growth? 3. Should central banks always conduct both conventional and unconventional monetary policies? Explain how each works. Focus on the effectiveness and limitations of forward guidance and longer-term asset purchases by major central banks after 2008. What is the RBA’s current approach to unconventional policy in 2020-21? What are the economic activity benefits and risks of these policies? Should we be concerned about the large expansion of central banks' balance sheets? 4. Evaluate the performance of inflation targeting by the RBA. How can it be improved? Compare with some of the possible alternatives like nominal income targeting. Should the RBA be concerned about asset price inflation? Is inflation targeting still relevant in 2021 with such low inflation and almost zero short rates? Is fiscal policy now more relevant? With fiscal policy effectively targeting the unemployment rate, how does this affect monetary policy? 5. What is the most likely cause of the next major financial crisis? Will it be different to previous crises? Refer to the most recent financial crisis and its aftermath, including policy responses. Consider financial imbalances in, for example, housing markets, sovereign debt markets. Is financial regulation in Australia effective enough to avoid a financial crisis here? 6. Facebook plans to introduce a digital currency LIBRA, and many central banks are considering their own digital currencies or have begun experimenting with them (eg China). How will these currencies work? Compare them to existing crypto- and digital- currencies (like BITCOIN). What are the monetary, financial, macroeconomic and policy implications of digital currencies? Should the RBA introduce a digital currency? 7. What are the most promising technological innovations now? How will they affect/disrupt the economies of the world? Focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, ITC, robotics. What are the likely macroeconomic implications of these innovations? Relate your answer to endogenous growth modelling. How will the extended lockdown and distancing caused by governments' responses to COVID-19 affect future productivity? 8. Discuss the trends in inequality in rich countries? What are the macroeconomic policy implications? Compare trends in income and wealth inequality. Explain how these are measured. What are the main causes of the trends? Why should we care? What are governments doing to combat these trends? Are they doing enough? How does Australia compare with other rich countries? Untitled EC O N 30 11 -- E ss ay M ar ki ng R ub ric Fa il Pa ss C re di t D is tin ct io n H ig h D is tin ct io n Ar tic ul at io n of is su e Is su e is n ot c le ar ly a nd /o r co rr ec tly id en tif ie d an d/ or de fin ed . Is su e is re as on ab ly c le ar ly a nd co rr ec tly id en tif ie d an d de fin ed . Is su e is m os tly c le ar ly a nd co rr ec tly id en tif ie d an d de fin ed . Is su e is c le ar ly a nd c or re ct ly id en tif ie d an d de fin ed , p ro vi di ng so m e or ig in al /in no va tiv e/ ad va nc ed in si gh t i nt o th e is su e. Is su e is c le ar ly a nd c or re ct ly id en tif ie d an d de fin ed , p ro vi di ng si gn ifi ca nt o rig in al /in no va tiv e/ ad va nc ed in si gh t i nt o th e is su e. An al ys is a nd Ev al ua tio n In fo rm at io n an al ys ed is in su ffi ci en t, irr el ev an t a nd /o r in ap pr op ria te ; t he or ie s, c on ce pt s, fra m ew or ks , m od el s, te ch ni qu es an d/ or to ol s us ed in th e an al ys is ar e in su ffi ci en t, irr el ev an t a nd /o r in ap pr op ria te ; a nd /o r t he a na ly si s is u nc le ar a nd /o r i ns uf fic ie nt . 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Answered 24 days AfterApr 25, 2021ECON3011Macquaire University

Answer To: Untitled ECON3011: Essay Assignment Choose one of the topics below on contemporary issues, research...

Preeta answered on May 02 2021
153 Votes
Interest rates can be defined as the percentage of principle charged by the lender for the use of the money lent. The interest rate can be of two types, nominal interest and real interest. The interest rate that is calculated with the impact of inflation is known as nominal interest rate whereas the interest rate that is calculated with the impact of inflation is known as real interest rate (
Dreger 2010). Banks and financial institutions use nominal interest rates at the time of lending and so that is the nominal market rate.
In Australia, cash rate is the official interest rate, which is determined by Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). In April 2021, the interest rate has hit the lowest point ever that is 0.1% (Am and Watts 2021). Some of the theories that will be discussed in the essay are life cycle hypothesis which states that the spending of the people depends on their age and goods market equilibrium states that the intersection point of savings and investment is r that is rate of interest.
Saving-investment equilibrium models:
In equilibrium, the GDP of a nation is equal to its total income (Y).
GDP = Y……………..(1)
In a closed economy, the national income will be equal to consumption (C), investment (I) and government spending (G).
Y = C + I + G ……………..(2)
Y – C – G = I ………………(3)
Now, Y – C – G can be referred to as the national savings (S)
Y - C - G = S …………………(4)
I = S ………………………….(5)
    I S
An open market can be defined to be a market without any restrictions and free access for all the buyers and sellers, making the marketing environment competitive. If there is a change in the level of either savings or investment, then the interest rate automatically changes in order to bring to the equilibrium point (Yunusa et al. 2021). If the government want to increase supply of money, the central bank buys bonds from the commercial banks, the banks lend out this extra money acquired from sale of bond. This situation lead to inflation. If the government want to decrease the supply of money, the central bank sells bonds to the banks, the banks will no longer have excess reserve and existing loans will also be called out. This situation could lead to deflation or reduce inflation.
Central bank purchase government security which increases commercial bank reserve, allowing them to provide more loans and investments. This increase government security price and the interest rates decreases. RBA does this to bring equilibrium between savings and investment. Currently, in Australia the savings among people is increasing. So, to bring investment to the equilibrium level, the interest rates have fallen. The following graph demonstrates.
        I         S    S1

So, as savings curve shift right from S to S1 due to increase in savings. So, the interest rates had to be lowered to maintain the equilibrium level of investment.
Demographic trends:
The economic theory of Modigliani and Friedman (1957) stated that savings widely vary over the lifetime of a person. Young people and old people save the least whereas middle aged people save the most. Young people and old people are in a state of dissaving whereas middle aged people are saving. Middle aged men have more responsibilities like they have families, they have to take care of retirement and so save more. Old people save less as their life is about to end and they like to enjoy that time. Young people have just started their life and so try to spend money to live a comfortable life. Moreover, in youth and old age, the income ids low to actually save where as in middle age income is high and so there is actually prospect of saving. The median age in Australia is 37.9 (Worldometer). The majority of the Australian population belongs to middle aged group. As per the theory, middle aged population will save more and will invest less.
As per the graph shown above, as savings will increase, the interest rate will have to be lowered in order to bring the investment to the equilibrium level. Due to this...

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