MES 140 SCENE ANALYSIS PAPER There are four parts to this paper. Make sure to complete all four. 1. CHOOSE A CLIP Clip 1: Clip 2:...

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This Scene Analysis Paper is to break down a 2 minute clip into all the individual elements.

MES 140 SCENE ANALYSIS PAPER There are four parts to this paper. Make sure to complete all four. 1. CHOOSE A CLIP Clip 1: Clip 2: Clip 3: Clip 4: Clip 5: Four of the clips are a little over 2 minutes long and one is just under 2 minutes. The films are: The Grand Budapest Hotel, Hidden Figures, The Kite Runner, Slumdog Millionaire, Stand and Deliver. Watch the clips and decide which film clip you would like to view many, many times as you break it down shot by shot, into all the individual elements. Once you have decided which clip to analyze, if you are unfamiliar with the film, it is recommended you view the entire film in order to better understand the meaning of the clip. For the clips that are over 2 minutes, you just need to break down the first 2 minutes. For the clip that is just under 2 minutes, break down the entire clip. 2. BREAK DOWN / ANALYSIS OF EACH SHOT IN THE CLIP For the clip you have chosen, list and analyze all the shots individually for the following elements: 1. Shot # (start with #1; it doesn’t matter what shot it is within the whole film) 2. Time of beginning to end of each shot - for example: 0:10 – 0:19 3. Kind of shot - for example: close up 4. Camera Angle – for example: eye-level shot 5. Camera Movement – for example: pan 6. Action in the Shot – for example: Alan sits 7. Mise-en-Scene: notes about composition, setting, props, lighting, costumes, make-up (You do not have to repeat information if it stays the same. For example, if an actor is wearing a top hat in shot #1, and he keeps it on throughout the whole clip, you do not have to repeat that he is wearing a top hat.) 8. Sound: voice, music, sound effects, ambiance (natural sound), silence You can create a table (grid) to organize your information, or use a list format, or use some combination of both. continued on next page Scene Analysis Paper Page 2 3. OBSERVATIONS ON THE EDITING Now that you have broken the clip down into the individual pieces, view the clip in its entirety again. Write a paragraph that describes how the scene is edited, that is, how all the various shots connect to each other. What kinds of transitions are used, such as cuts, dissolves, etc. Is there a sense of rhythm to the clip (slow, brisk, etc.) How does the flow (or “lack of flow”) of the editing effect the overall emotional feel of the scene? Why do you think the director chose to make it like this? 4. YOUR DISCOVERIES And last, what have you discovered in doing this analysis? Has the experience of looking at a clip in such detail effected how you now view films and if so, what has changed? FOR HELP IN YOUR ANALYSIS: review the technical terms explained chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the Sikov text. The “Writing About” sections of these chapters will also be helpful. This paper is to be typed, with pages numbered and stapled. Grading based on: Complete and organized breakdown of the clip into individual shots Comprehensive details of the elements of each shot Analytical observations on the editing of the clip Thoughtful commentary on what you have discovered Paragraphs written with correct grammar and syntax
Answered Same DayApr 23, 2021

Answer To: MES 140 SCENE ANALYSIS PAPER There are four parts to this paper. Make sure to complete all four. 1....

Azra S answered on Apr 27 2021
150 Votes
Scene Analysis
Slum dog Millionaire
Clip 4:
The clip starts with two boys standing at a height looking down at some slums on fire. The scene then shifts to the two boys sitting in a large crater while
a girl stands in the pouring rain waiting to be called to shelter. The two boys decide to go to sleep but one of them has a flashback and the other takes pity on the girl and calls her to come and take shelter from the rain. He introduces himself as Jamal and his friend as Saleem while the girl introduces herself as Latika.
Shot 1
Time: 0:00 – 0:04
Kind of shot: wide angle shot
Camera Angle – high-level shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – Two boys watch a burning slum
Two boys appear watching slums on fire. The lighting is dark and the setting and costumes show acute poverty
Sound: silence
Shot 2
Time: 0:05 – 0:08
Kind of shot: close up shot
Camera Angle – eye-line shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – facial expressions of the children
The facial expressions of the children are the center of attention. The contracted face of the children show the foul experience the children must have had in the slums
Sound: silence
Shot 3
Time: 0:08 – 0:10
Kind of shot: wide angle shot
Camera Angle – high-level shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – smoldering flames from a slum house
This is a continuation of the first shot; there is a little close up on a particular house on fire.
Sound: silence
Shot 4
Time: 0:10 – 0:15
Kind of shot: close up shot
Camera Angle – eye-level shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – kids turn to look at a girl
The two kids turn back to look at a girl standing a little behind. The girl’s face is not clear as the camera focuses on the two boys and not on the girl.
Sound: silence
Shot 5
Time: 0:17 – 0:21
Kind of shot: close up shot
Camera Angle – eye-level shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – kids leave the place
The kids turn and walkaway
Sound: silence
Shot 6
Time: 0:21 – 0:27
Kind of shot: wide angle shot
Camera Angle – high-level shot
Camera Movement – fixed
Action in the Shot – thunder and lightning
There is thunder and heavy rainfall, a girl is shown standing alone in the rain. The lighting is night mode. The expressions of children is hardy visible but their feelings are felt through the dramatic effect of rain and suffering.
Sound: thunder...

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