This question must be answered after reading the article. Here is the article dystopia Our Minds can be...

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This question must be answered after reading the article. Here is the article


Our Minds can be Hijacked:

1. Go through the following model and answer each of the questions for the article by Paul Lewis

· What is the Purpose?

· Who is the intended audience?

· What information does he use to support his main point

· Are there any benefits to reading this article?

· What are the objections?

· What is the context?

2. What is the writing technique he uses to make his point clear? List all of the research he has done in order to make his main point clear and credible

(people he has used…their background and their research)

3. Discuss the psychological effects of people who over use their smartphone

4. What are the detrimental effects listed in this article about using too much technology?

5. How are our minds being hijacked, according to the article?

6. Discuss the irony of most of the individuals used in this article…where do their kids go to school?

7. Discuss the research about drug addiction and technology addiction (what is it that people are addicted to?)

· You can also use your opinion, but take research from the article as well

8. Discuss Dystopia…how do the current world events apply to this philosophy of media and dystopia?

Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia

Answered Same DayFeb 25, 2021

Answer To: This question must be answered after reading the article. Here is the article ...

Abhinaba answered on Feb 26 2021
158 Votes
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Title: Our Minds Can be Hijacked
    The purpose of this article is to present how people have become so addictive social media and other modern technology. We are the intended audience of Paul Lewis. He used the information of the Silicon Valley refuseniks which a channel of human observation has alarmed to support his main point. Yes, there are benefits of reading this article, real life experiences of people and the way these apps are designed make us aware of the addiction it causes and affects our mental health in particular. The objectives of this article are that hijacking of people’s mind is possible and smartphone dystopia scares tech workers. The context is that Google, Facebook and Twitter...

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