This problem uses the data set ford.csv on the book’s web site. The data were taken from the ford.s data set in R’s fEcofin package. This package is no longer on CRAN. This data set contains 2000 daily Ford returns from January 2, 1984, to December 31, 1991.
(a) Find the sample mean, sample median, and standard deviation of the Ford returns.
(b) Create a normal plot of the Ford returns. Do the returns look normally distributed? If not, how do they differ from being normally distributed?
(c) Test for normality using the Shapiro–Wilk test? What is the p-value? Can you reject the null hypothesis of a normal distribution at 0.01?
(d) Create several t-plots of the Ford returns using a number of choices of the degrees of freedom parameter (df). What value of df gives a plot that is as linear as possible? The returns include the return on Black Monday, October 19, 1987. Discuss whether or not to ignore that return when looking for the best choices of df.
(e) Find the standard error of the sample median using formula (4.3) with the sample median as the estimate of F −1(0.5) and a KDE to estimate f. Is the standard error of the sample median larger or smaller than the standard error of the sample mean?