This problem requires that you have a toy gyroscope available. The purpose of this problem is to make as concrete as possible the unusual motions of a gyroscope and their analysis in terms of...

This problem requires that you have a toy gyroscope available. The purpose of this problem is to make as concrete as

possible the unusual motions of a gyroscope and their analysis in terms of fundamental principles. In all of the following

studies, the effects are most dramatic if you give the gyroscope as large a spin angular speed as possible.

(a) Hold the spinning gyroscope firmly in your hand, and try to rotate the spin axis quickly to point in a new direction.

Explain qualitatively why this feels “funny.” Also explain why you don't feel anything odd when you move the

spinning gyroscope in any direction without changing the direction of the spin axis.

(b) Support one end of the spinning gyroscope (on a pedestal or in an open loop of the string) so that the gyroscope

precesses counterclockwise as seen from above. Explain this counterclockwise precession direction; include sketches

of top and side views of the gyroscope.

(c) Again support one end of the spinning gyroscope so that the gyroscope precesses clockwise as seen from above.

Explain this clockwise precession direction; include sketches of top and side views of the gyroscope.

May 26, 2022

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