This is the creatList and printList function #include #include using namespace std; struct nodeType {  int info nodeType *link  nodeType *next;  double value; void create List(node Type*& first,...

This is the creatList and printList function #include #include using namespace std; struct nodeType {  int info nodeType *link  nodeType *next;

double value; void create List(node Type*& first, nodeType*& last, ifstream& inf);

void prin tList(node Type* first) int main()    nodeType *first, *last;

int num;   ifstream infile;"InputIntegers.txt");  createList(first, last, infile)  printList(first)  infile.close();   system("pause")    return 0 *newNode  first = nullptr; last = nullptr   In file >> number; while (infile    { new Node = new node Type; new Node->info = number; newNode->link = nullptr; if (first== null ptr)    first = new Node; last = new Node   { last->link = new Node; last = new Node  in file >> number  }void printList(nodeType* first{ int i = 0  nodeType *current   current  while (current !=     i++ cout <>info <><>link ut



May 19, 2022

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