Answer To: BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research Student Name Student Id BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead...
Soumi answered on Jan 24 2021
BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research
Student Name Student Id
Initiate and Lead Applied Research
Assessment 3
Research Report
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Part 1_ (Research Report)
The expertise in good communication skills is necessary for all organisations. Employees with good communication are considered asset in improving productivity and quality of organisation and considered important for good business. Communication skills are needed everywhere whether you work in multinational organisation or in educational organisation. Communication skill can be improved or developed by working on language, literacy and numeracy (LLN). LLN are considered base for any communication. The study of this project is focussed on improving LLN to develop communication skill, and assessing the level of communication skill in context of The Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD, 2019).
The AITD organisation was set-up in 1971. They have become one of the most reputed and proficient organisations in delivering high-skilled training services to many countries around the globe. The organisation consists of trainer, educator, designer, developer, instructor and mentors working tirelessly to build a good workforce.
Aims of the research, the purpose and context of the project
The aim of the research is to develop the strategies to implement language, literacy and numeracy for developing the good communication skills. The purpose of the project is to take AITD as a chosen organization to formulate the technique using its training staff as subject to learn about implications and limitations, and to learn the scope of improvement in the research.
The context of the research is that chosen organization is a prime factor to modulate the results of the research. Each context of the research has impact on result and considered important to learn in-depth about research. Geographical context, cultural context and social context is necessary to learn for the given research. As suggested by Ferretti and Montibeller (2019), geographical context affect the human, physiological and economic activities of the place, which can impact the lifestyle of the subject, and its responses towards the research conducted. The places, which are favourable in term of transport, economy, have shown high LLN standards and those can be considered good for research. As mentioned by Caligiuri et al. (2019), the cultural context influences the social, economic and political activities of the individual and are considered necessary to lookout while research. It affects the degree of communication and perspective of individual and thus, necessary while formulating the LLN strategy. As explained by Benson (2019), social context displayed the interaction of the individual with its environment. This gives the idea about education, level of communication and numerical knowledge of the individual. It predicts the expectations of the employees from the organisation.
Who initiated the research and who it was for:
The research is conducted by us solely for the purpose to develop strategies, which help in improving the LLN technique used as a base to develop strong communication skills. The research is done for AITD organization, so that it can use the research and apply technique on trainers, which ultimately trained the learners seeking various courses of training in the institute. The research is done to build strong communication skill of trainers, learners, designers as well as other staff members.
Research questions (one or more question)
The purpose of result is to find search the answers of the following questions:
· How many elements are influencing the LLN in organisation workplace?
· What LLN strategies can be formulated to improve communication skills of people working in organisation?
· What other strategies can be used to develop strong communication skills?
LLN acts as a base to improve the level of communication needed in organisations especially educational organisation to offer quality services at the workplace. It must be included as a strategy to develop strong communication skills.
Ideological context:
Use of data from other sources is necessary for the research. Since the research method is secondary, data has been taken from various research articles, search engines and from newspaper clippings. As mentioned by Hall and Martin (2019), the data sources help research to reach the conclusion and necessary to provide legitimacy to the arguments presented in the research. Since data has been obtained from various sources, the ethics has been taken in consideration to prevent any foul practise. The ethics provide sense of satisfaction to the author whose data has been used. As suggested by Stylianou and Zembylas (2018), ethical consideration is a legal practise to protect data and the authors who are main legitimate owner of the work. In this research, data has been used within the limits of legal authority. It shows gratitude towards the authors. The worked has been based on the literature provided by research work of Shalley and Stewart (2017) and Kats et al. (2015). These two were chosen as them woke gives deep in sight of LLN related to adult aboriginals in Australia,...