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Tutorial 2 1. Readings: Mandatory Readings • Kerzner Chapter 2, & 21; • Please access the Project Management Journal Vol. 42, No. 5, 4-16 and read the following article Walker D., Dart C. J. (2011) Frontinus--A Project Manager From the Roman Empire Era Make sure you have done the readings. 2. Watch recordings: Also, watch YouTube Video: Value Driven Project Management by Dr. Harold Kerzner 3. Answer following Questions to reflect and assist in your Portfolio After reading about the history about project management, describe what you think about project management? What has been the contribution to the world? What are the benefits of using project management? Could you say that the method you approach things with has similarities to project management? How would you describe project management and change? Have you ever wanted to change something? Describe an example where you introduce change and how you achieved it. How would you describe a “System”, “Program and “Project”? Have you ever experienced a failed project? Describe it and why it failed? What could have been done differently to not fail? Describe a project life cycle? Can you name any? Why do you think we need project management methodologies? How does having project management methodologies relate to continuous improvement? Have you ever experienced continuous improvement in your life? Describe an example where you strived for ‘continuous improvement” Have you ever failed in an exam, a test, or done badly in an activity and then wanted to improve? What did you do to improve? PowerPoint templates Project Management Methodologies PPMP20009 Week 2 Lecture Research shows us that the majority of projects fail. Time / cost Benefits realisation Biggest barriers people factors underestimating complexity Many faces of failure • 1980s – Ineffective planning – Ineffective scheduling – Ineffective estimating – Ineffective cost control – Project objectives being ‘moving targets’ Many faces of failure • 1990s – Poor morale – Poor motivation – Poor human relations – Poor productivity – No employee commitment – No functional commitment – Delays in problem solving – Too many unresolved policy issues – Conflicting priorities between executives, line managers, and project managers Stage Gate Process • Gates – structured decision points. • Gate Review Checklists – inform the Project manager what needs to be prepared to be able to pass through the gate. • Gate Keepers? – Providing assurance – Decision making Stage gate reviews • Decisions • Proceed based on original objectives • Proceed based on revised objectives • Delay making decision until further information obtained • Cancel Project A structured process for managing a multitude of projects is most commonly called: a) Project management policies b) Project management guidelines c) Industry-wide templates d) A project management methodology Project Management Methodologies – A repetitive series of processes, activities and tools used on every project • A single methodology • Organisations tailor project management methodology to their culture and context • consider QUT and TMR project management frameworks (week 1 moodle site) Single methodology doesn’t mean one size fits all: Tiered projects 1 • Low cost, risk, complexity, criticality • Lite suite of documentation and assurance 2 • Medium cost, risk, complexity, criticality • Standard documentation and assurance 3 • High cost, risk, complexity, criticality • Significant documentation and assurance Enterprise project management methodologies • When products, services or customers have similar requirements can implement a enterprise wide PM methodology. • Implementing methodologies may initially be based on rigid policies and procedures • As project management maturity improves shift to guidelines, templates, checklists Consider a university. Would the customers (users) be the same for all projects? Would a rigid policy based PM methodology be appropriate? Enterprise project management methodologies In what situations would it be difficult to create a single enterprise wide project management methodology? How could you still maintain some level of consistency if you needed to have multiple methodologies in your organisation? Methodologies can fail • There are a number of reasons why a methodology may fail including: – Executive level • Have a poor understanding of what it is, think it is a quick fix, a silver bullet – Working levels • It is too abstract and high level • Too detailed and complex • Insufficient explanation of how to use • Lacks integration into the business • Does not fit project type Comprehensive list Kerzner p91-92 Deciding on what type of methodology • Factors to consider – Overall company strategy – Size of project scope and team – Project priority – Project criticality – Project risk profile – Project complexity – Project cost – How flexible the methodology and its components are. Where would each of these methodologies work well? Project management maturity model Level 1 Common language Level 2 Common processes Level 3 Singular Methodology Level 4 Benchmarking Level 5 Continuous improvement Kerzner p1071 Project management maturity model Level 1 Awareness of process Level 2 Repeatable processes Level 3 Defined Processes Level 4 Managed Processes Level 5 Optimised Process P3M3 Process not usually documented, little or no guidance or supporting documentation There may be areas starting to use standard approaches but no consistency across organisation Processes are documented, standardised and integrated to some extent into business processes Defined processes that are quantitatively managed i.e. controlled using metrics Process continuously optimised for changing business needs What Level of Maturity? • Why? • Where are we now? • What are we working with? If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) Portfolio Management August 2010 - self assessment Portfolio Management 2012 external assessment Project Management Methodology • Consider the different types of project management methodologies and discuss for what projects they would be appropriate. Dr Kerzner’s 7 Fallacies that delay Project Management Maturity • Our ultimate goal is to implement project management • We need to establish a mandatory number of forms, templates, guidelines and checklists by a certain point in time. Dr Kerzner’s 7 Fallacies that delay Project Management Maturity • We need to purchase project management software to accelerate the maturity process. • We need to implement project management in small steps with a small breakthrough project that everyone can track Dr Kerzner’s 7 Fallacies that delay Project Management Maturity • We need to track and broadcast the results of the breakthrough project. • We need executive support • We need a project management course so our workers can become Project Management Professionals (PMPs) • Questions? • Why have you chosen to study project management? • Next week – Readings and Resources – get onto MOODLE!!! Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio 1 of 7 Weekly Portfolio Learning Table Topic and reading samples. Your personal learning outcomes from this course. Learnings from your experience. Supporting documentation including your prior learnings. i) Lecture Slides PMO function Ethics (Note: Week4 Lecture Slides covered in Portfolio 3) My current organisation does not have a PMO as such rather a Project Team made up of a Capital Manger and Contracts Superintendent who I report to. The Contract Superintendent ensures all the Project Processes are adhered to. These include but not limited to: • Monthly Project Report to Board • Progress Payment Certificates • Issue of Final Certificates • LDs • Project database administration • Determination of Tender Type • Bank Guarantees There is a fine line between acceptances of gifts as a token of thanks for continued business vs favourable selection for a pending tender. There is constant exposure to suppliers offering small tokens of gratitude in our business. We have a policy requiring the declaration of gifts based on monetary value. ii) Recommended Readings Kerzner : Chapter 9, 11.34 Project success is often measured by the “actions” of three groups: the project manager and team, the parent organization, and the customer’s organization. (Harold Kerzner, 2013) The listed actions in Kerzner that stimulate Project Success are relevant in my limited experience. With regards to my current role I have found the success of the project relies heavily on the accuracy of the initial specification i.e. ensure that both parties understand the scope of works. Equally important is that through past performance you can be assured that the successful tenderer can deliver on the specification. I had an experience with a project where the selection was based on budget and although the product was delivered, at no time during the project I was comfortable of success because the reporting was inadequate. I can also relate to the disruption Project work can cause the functional teams. Having used Electrical resources from a functional team on a recent Project I was very aware that my success could have directly affected the delivery of the maintenance schedule. In other words if my schedule of allocated hours was incorrect it would mean Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio 2 of 7 Topic and reading samples. Your personal learning outcomes from this course. Learnings from your experience. Supporting documentation including your prior learnings. PMI Implementing Organizational PM Preface & Chapter 1 Enterprise project management methodologies can enhance the project planning process as well as providing some degree of standardization and consistency. (Harold Kerzner, 2013) OPM advances organizational capability by developing and linking portfolio, program, and project management principles and practices with organizational enablers (e.g., structural, cultural, technological, and human resource practices) to support strategic goals. (Anon., 2014) Thus far appears to be