BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Student Assessment Assessment Task 2 - Project Project Task: In this assessment task, Student is required to demonstrate the...

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BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Student Assessment Assessment Task 2 - Project Project Task: In this assessment task, Student is required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage personal work priorities and professional development. Before initiating the task, you are required to refer to the business plan. The business plan will be provided to you along with this unit. After thoroughly reading the business plan, you are then required to analyse the scenarios provided and then complete the following tasks: · Part A: Set up one ‘SMART goal’ for each organisation’s area of management. · Part B: Set three (3) ‘SMART’ personal work goals · Part C: Create a GANNT chart and use it to organise and prioritise tasks and commitments · Part D: Create a Personal/Professional development plan · Part E: Determine development needs, priorities and plans Scenario: Recently you have been hired as a Restaurant Manager at Traditional Aussie Restaurant, that has recently started its business at the Chadstone Shopping centre. In this job role, you will hire the staff required, arrange appropriate training, review effectiveness of the marketing strategies, promote products and manage Restaurant’s day-to-day operations. You will need to report to the owner. As per the business plan of the organisation, there are certain areas that the CEO of the organisation wants to focus on as priorities for the departmental store. The business plan attached along this unit provides details regarding organisational plans and areas given in the table. The CEO has discussed these areas along with the organisational objectives with you. These are given below: Areas of management Objectives Hire employees Improve ability to recruit online across the organisation. Hire top-notch chefs. Training and development Identify requirements for training and development for each department and offer training to keep the chef on top of his/her game and pay top wages to ensure they stay with us. Networking Work with local businesses to increase collaborative opportunities Marketing strategy Review the effectiveness of current marketing strategy and positioning. Inventory management Effectively manage to order, receiving and maintaining sufficient inventory to meet production demands Performance management Establish departmental KPIs Task: Part A: Set up one ‘SMART goal’ for each organisation’s area of management: Considering your role as a Restaurant Manager, you are required to set up one ‘SMART goal’ for each organisation’s area of management given in the table. Your ‘SMART goal’ must align with the organisational objectives. You will need to make sure that the goals are well explained, and details are provided on how to achieve them. You must document your response in the template provided. Areas of management Task to complete (Single sentence) Goal (Single sentence) Hire employees Training and development Networking Marketing strategy Stakeholder Reports Performance management Part B: Set three (3) ‘SMART’ personal work goals Considering the areas of management specified above and the task to be completed, you are required to create three (3) ‘SMART’ personal work goals to make sure that you fit in with the organisational goals. You will provide justification for your choices of personal goals by providing an explanation of: · How do your personal goals align with the organisation? · How your personal goals consider demands on your time and energy. Hint: When planning your personal work goals, you will need to demonstrate that a healthy work-life balance is maintained. This context must be referred to in your response. You must document your response in the template provided. Personal Goals Areas of management Task to complete (Single sentence) Goal (Single sentence) Part C: Create a GANNT chart and use it to organise and prioritise tasks and commitments. In this part of the assessment task, you are required to use a GANTT chart to prioritise the work and personal work goals (completed in part A and part B). Note: You must rank priorities. You will need to attach a screenshot of the GAANT chart along with this unit. You will also need to provide justification for your priorities. You must document your response in the template provided. Priorities Priority SMART goal (Single sentence) Justification (20-30 words) Part D: Create Personal/Professional development plan Based on the priorities that you set up in the previous assessment task, you are required to create a plan of action to measure your work and personal goals. To do so, you must prepare a ‘Personal/professional development plan’ using the template provided. In the template provided, you are required to set milestones throughout the year that can enable you to measure your performance. This task is to be completed for your top priority five (5) work and personal goals. Name Personal/Professional development plan Work and personal goals Task Activities Timeframe KPI Part E: Determine development needs, priorities and plans In this part of the assessment task, you are required to assess your personal knowledge and skills for the personal and work goals (refer to part a) against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans. To do so, you need to visit (Refer to Appendix C for instructions), assess personal and work goals, assess development needs and find a unit of competency that can assist you in the achievement of the SMART goals. Professional goals Priority SMART Goal Development needs Unit of Competency Personal goals Priority SMART Goal Development needs Unit of Competency Assessment Task 3 - Project Project Task: This assessment task is divided into the following four parts: · Part A: Roleplay · Part B: Identify and develop ways to improve competence · Part C: Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities · Part D: Revisiting the plan Part A: Roleplay This part of the assessment task has two subparts: 0. Discussion with the colleagues and employees 0. Discussion with the clients Scenario: The restaurant has been running successfully for the last six months. The employees, clients and colleagues have been reasonably happy with the performance and the work culture of the organisation. You have arranged a formal feedback session to develop and maintain professional competency and to help business excel. Sub-part i: In this subpart, you are required to engage in discussion with the Restaurant Owner “Jeff Wright”, the Kitchen Manager “Betty Wright” and Line chef. You will play the role of Restaurant Manager. The role of Restaurant Owner “Jeff Wright” will be played by your trainer/assessor. The roles of Kitchen Manager “Betty Wright” and Line cook will be allocated to the students. At the conclusion of the scenario, each student will switch with the other students to ensure everyone experiences each role fully. If there is an insufficient number of students, the trainer will assume multiple roles for the scenario, rotating roles at the conclusion of each exercise. If the student is required to participate in multiple roles for the exercise, they will also switch after each round, of the role-play scenario. During the discussion/role play, you will seek feedback Restaurant owner, Kitchen Manager and the Line cook regarding your professional competence on the key areas of management given in ‘part an’ of this task. You will ask Kitchen Manager “Betty Wright”: · If She is satisfied with the inventory management. · If orders are managed, received and maintained effectively so that there is always sufficient inventory to meet production demands. Kitchen Manager “Betty Wright” will: · Be quite satisfied with the inventory management system in place. · Be quite happy with your results. · She further wants you to take on the responsibility of purchasing for the next six months. Your duties would include: · Managing business resources and customer needs · Planning purchases · Handling online transactions · Selecting suppliers and preparing contracts You will ask Restaurant Owner “Jeff Wright”: · If he is satisfied with his role as Restaurant Manager. · His point of view on where the restaurant can further excel. Restaurant Owner “Jeff Wright” will: · Be quite happy with the work you have done, and the way business has performed for the last six months. · Present his point of view that the business can further work with local businesses to increase collaborative opportunities. You will ask Line-chef: · If the staff has been trained properly. Line chef will: · Be quite happy with the skill level of the staff. You must document the feedback in the template provided. Sub-part ii: In this subpart, you are required to engage in discussion with two clients “Client A and Client B”. You will play the role of Restaurant Manager. The role of Client A will be played by your trainer/assessor. The roles of Client B will be allocated to the students. At the conclusion of the scenario, each student will switch with the other students to ensure everyone experiences each role fully. If there is an insufficient number of students, the trainer will assume multiple roles for the scenario, rotating roles at the conclusion of each exercise. If the student is required to participate in multiple roles for the exercise, they will also switch after each round, of the role-play scenario. Scenario: Giving preference to client satisfaction, you have decided to gather feedback from them regarding the restaurant operations. You have decided to have an informal discussion with the clients so that you can rectify any problem there may be. At the moment there are two customers/clients in the restaurant that visit the place on a regular basis. You need to approach them to gather their valuable feedback and experience so that you can improve the restaurant operations and maintain professional competency as well. During the role-play, you are required to: · Approach these two clients and request them to provide feedback. · Ask them the following questions: · How the meal is going? · Does the Restaurant Have a Sufficient Selection of Healthy Choices? · Whether there is anything to be done that would improve it for the customer? · What Did You Not Like About Our Food and Services? · How Quick or Adequate Was the Speed of Service? · How Would You Rate Our Staff’s Ability to Meet Your Needs? · How Would You Rate the Cleanliness of the Restaurant? Client 1 and Client 2 will: · Agree to provide them with feedback. · Offer positive feedback on the questions asked. You must document the feedback for subpart (i) and (ii) in the template
Answered Same DaySep 14, 2021BSBWOR501Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Student Assessment Assessment...

Saloni answered on Sep 17 2021
141 Votes
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