This is just for a quote. My outline is attached. Only working on the Literature Review.
SAMPLE DISSERTATION TITLE: AQUALITATIVE E-DELPHI STUDY A Consensus Review of Strategies and Techniques Using Best Practices to Increase Summer Reading Growth by Gretchen Carter Copyright 2021 A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Educational Leadership University of Phoenix Introduction Many students lose academic ground during the summer. Students experience a loss in mathematics, but economically disadvantaged students face a more considerable loss in reading. The academic achievement gap is a significant problem in the United States. Summer learning loss adds to this gap (Alexander et al., 2007b; Heyns, 1978). Summer learning loss is occurring at a traditional middle school in the southwestern United States. The school serves 160 students in Grades 5-6. The district has provided boundless resources for literacy development throughout the summer. However, the case under study still experiences summer learning loss among its students, even with the emphasis placed on literacy.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Make this first sentence more of an attention grabber and remember to cite facts. Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Same idea here, anything taken from research must be cited. Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Avoid stating this, what gapComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: A bit more about why this is an important topic to research and less about the specifics like population.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Also include: The introduction can also provide an overview of the sections that will appear in Chapter 1. Background of the Problem According to Alexander et al. (2007), Educators have noticed that children from low-socioeconomic backgrounds experienced significant gaps in learning during the summer months compared to their peers. Furthermore, the gaps only continue to widen over time. The summer reading setback accounts for about 80% of the reading achievement difference, contributing to this disparity. It is well documented that children accelerate at the same rate of learning during the school year (Allington, 2003). Available research indicates that the reading achievement of low-socioeconomic students, as a group, typically declines during the summer vacation period, while the reading achievement of children from more economically advantaged families holds steady or increases modestly (Allington & McGill-Franzen, 2003, p. 19). Extended vacations from formal education take students away from the classroom's regular learning blueprint and into a period when they are less likely to participate in official literacy programs.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Indent throughoutComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Take out fillers that don’t add anything such as therefore, furthermore, next, etc.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: This sentence appears to be written in the passive voice. Consider writing in the active voice. Same throughout the document, use active when possible, I will try to highlight examples. There is a tutorial on this.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Avoid wordiness throughout, if it doesn’t add value, delete it.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: No page numbers, you are paraphrasing Parents reading with their children plus the availability and use of reading resourcesare all part of a strong home literacy environment (Hillier, 2021). Different degrees of parental participation in a home learning environment that happens, as well as and a child's lack of participation with texts during a prolonged vacation, might be useful in evaluating probable variables leading to summer reading setbacks. An examination of the reading declines in early elementary grades show, despite significant reading gains established in kindergarten and first grade, the summer session between first and second grade is particularly problematic for students who do not have opportunities to engage with reading during their summer recess (Rasinski, 2007). The lasting impact of low reading abilities in early grades is associated with low middle and high school achievement, c. Consequently, the lasting implications of reading loss must be addressed (Rasinski, 2007). Conducting a comprehensive literature study, synthesizing the findings, and disseminating the information to parents through a user-friendly guide are the most appropriate methods to address this issue.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Not needed, adds little value here Summer reading loss is well documented and is more persistent among students from low-socioeconomic backgrounds who are already at risk for academic failure (Allington, 2003). Alexander et al., (2014) showed that declines in academic achievement during summer break are more prevalent and consistent for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds compared to students from middle and higher socioeconomic classes. Over time, the breach amplifies and leads to an achievement gap among students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. This topic has caused policy makers, school districts, and other stakeholders throughout the United States to debate formal year-round education for elementary and middle school students (Pedersen, 2015; Shields & Oberg, 2000)Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: I’m concerned so many citations are oldComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: What topic, avoid thisComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Really good background I think! You may want to add on as you learn more after researching chapter 2 as it is typically several pages in length but this is logical and well done, just update feedback in here throughout the chapter. Problem StatementComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Wait, you have no problem statement in your problem statement section. Honestly, I would move all of this to the background of the problem as that was short and this is what was missing. Then see dissertation alignment guide to write a small section here that includes your problem statement in the context of your design and that is cited in current literature showing best industry practices have not been identified. Summer break for students in a typical school calendar averages 12 weeks (about 3 months); this equates to a significant length of time when the educational process is interrupted. During this time away from the structure and reinforcements of the regular school day, home and family variables have shown to influence reading growth or regression in young students (Kirkland, 2008). In a 12-week layoff, early learners who lack access to print with little opportunity to read text at independent levels will often experience regression in fluency and comprehension skills (Kirkland, 2008). This regression is often seen in students from disadvantaged homes (Allington, 2003). Many parents from higher socioeconomic backgrounds provide reading enrichment and continuous learning for their children during the summer (Tiruchittampalam et al.,2018). Students who do not continuously learn throughout the summer could potentially lose up to three months of reading progress, setting them further behind for the new academic school year (Campbell et al., 2019). Summer vacation inequalities in educational opportunities and outcomes lead to uneven learning gains (Tiruchittampalam et al., 2018). Other reasons for student reading digressions during the summer are limited book access, difficulties self-selecting books (Capotosto, 2019), school calendar, socioeconomic status, and the amount of information retained over the summer (Lindley et al., 2016). Further investigation is needed to explore strategies to keep students engaged in reading growth throughout the summer to prevent reading growth loss in a rural, low-socioeconomic status, school district in southwest Mississippi.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: It appears that potentially may be unnecessary in this sentence. Consider removing it.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Write consistently throughout with no colon, either socio-economic or like this is fine but it needs to be consistent Purpose of the Study The purpose of this qualitative e-Delphi study is to gain consensus from a panel of education professionals of practical strategies and techniques to increase summer reading growth throughout the summer months in a rural, low-socioeconomic status, school district in southwest Mississippi. The current literature shows socioeconomic status has a significant impact on summer learning loss, particularly in reading. The school district is a small and high-poverty school district in southwest Mississippi. Volley (2020) stated that u Understanding the research dedicated to summer reading loss is imperative when identifying ways to close the achievement gap. In addition, Seawright (2017) affirmed that Iinvestigating the predictors of success in reading can improve students' academic achievement (cite, year). Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: This looks pretty solid to me! Just align your problem statement nowComment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Move this to the end to give the subject the weight, same idea throughout (Volley, 2020) Reaching a consensus regarding effective practices will provide a foundation for developing the best strategies and techniques for program development. In addition, by interviewing education experts, this study will identify different domains to help mitigate summer reading growth loss. Finally, this research can help curriculum directors and school district leaders within the district to reach a common framework for a summer program design to increase summer reading growth.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: This seems to fit better in significance of the study but again remove all the extra words. Population and Sample The e-Delphi research method expects participants to meet expertise requirements, including effective communication skills, education, and experience on the issues, capacity, and compliance to participate, and sufficient time to participate in the e-Delphi study (Skulmoski et al., 2007). The sample population will consist of district-level administrators, literacy coaches, instructional coaches, interventionists, and the curriculum director.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Rephrase so not saying the method is expecting that. That is personification.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: good The sample for this study will be selected based on the following criterion: years in public school education with at least a minimum of ten years of experience as either a state or national board-certified Reading, English, Language Arts, or English as a Second Language. Sample adequacy in qualitative inquiry pertains to the suitability of the sample configuration and size. Sandelowski (1996) recommended that qualitative sample sizes be large enough to allow the unfolding of a ‘new and richly textured understanding of the phenomenon under study, but small enough for the ‘deep, case-oriented analysis’ (p. 183) of qualitative data is not precluded. Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Ensure URM is good here as well, I am not an expert on Delphi but your URM is. Since the researcher elected to implement purposive sampling to select information-rich cases, sample size guidelines suggested a range between 20 and 30 interviews to be adequate (Creswell, 1998). Therefore, the sample size for this study will be 12-15 participants. Morse (2000) posited that the more useable data are collected from each person, the fewer participants are needed. Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Good but creswell has newer editions out, I think 2007 and 2021 This e-Delphi study will consist of a sample population of 12-15 educational experts. Yousuf (2007) posited the minimum number of participants is dependent upon the study design. A sample size between 10 to 15 participants should provide satisfactory results (Skulmoski et al., 2007). A predetermined sample size of 12-15 education experts within the rural Southwest school district will be interviewed to avoid data saturation. If saturation is not achieved with the 15 participants, the researcher will go beyond this number if needed.Comment by TIFFANI BATEMAN: Might be helpful: Sampson, H. (2019). Delphi Groups, Qualitative. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.