Assessment Task 1 Part A 1. Summarise CBSA’s current operational state including: · The organisational structure including its departments Page 3 & 4 of Business Plan · The main services it offers...

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Assessment Task 1 Part A 1. Summarise CBSA’s current operational state including: · The organisational structure including its departments Page 3 & 4 of Business Plan · The main services it offers Page 5 of Business Plan · Its current marketing strategies and objectives Page 8 of Business Plan 2. What do each of the following marketing opportunities for an organisation mean: · Strategic alliances and cooperative business models? · New products or services to target specific markets? · Greater market penetration with existing products or services? · Take-overs? (acquisition) · New businesses and franchising? 3. Explain at least one marketing opportunity discussed in the previous question that might be relevant to CBSA. Open answer 4. Provide an overview of five marketing strategies and/or marketing approaches that CBSA could take. 5. Explain a process to ensure marketing strategies and approaches are legal, ethical, achievable and align to organisational objectives. 6. What legislation and regulatory requirements are relevant to developing and implementing a marketing plan for CBSA? Part B Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Part C Marketing Strategy Evaluation Purpose> Marketing strategy evaluation Strategy Aligns to Strategic goal Objective/benefits Risk Performance Metric (measurable) Performance review strategy> Recommendations> You must recommend at least three strategies including one that increases resources or organisational expertise. Part D Role-Play 1. At least 3 people in a group 2. Present Part C Marketing Strategy Evaluation 3. Seek feedback 4. Update Part C Marketing Strategy Evaluation SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR TASK 1: · Part A: Answers to questions · Part B: SWOT analysis · Part C: Marketing Strategy Evaluation · Part D: Modified Marketing Strategy Evaluation Assessment Task 2 Part A CBSA Marketing Plan 20XX Purpose > SWOT analysis The following SWOT analysis has been undertaken: > Marketing strategies The following marketing strategies are to be implemented to reach marking objectives: Marketing strategy Marketing objective (SMART principle) Recommendations in Part C of Task 1 Marketing Strategy Plan The marketing strategic and tactics to implement the strategies are planned as follows: Strategy Tactic to implement Costs involved (budget: $100,000) Responsibility (internal: organisational chart in Business Plan; external: ?) Deadline Rationale Why select this tactic? Relate to marketing objectives Strategy for ensuring legal and ethical requirements > Co-ordination and monitoring strategy to ensure performance tracking > Human resource: marketing team, other departments within CBSA, external expertise Financial resource: --- Part B Role-Play 1. At least 3 people in a group 2. Present Part A Marketing Plan 3. Seek feedback Part C 1. Update Part A Marketing Plan 2. Email to Gavin Stead Email To: Gavin Stead From: [email protected] CC: BCC: Date/time: 10:37am 01/09/2020 Subject: Updated Marketing Plan Attachments: Updated Marketing Plan To >, 1. why you are sending this email 2. summarise any changes/improvements you have made 3. Specifies the Marketing Plan as the attachment Kind regards Summer Sales & Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR TASK 2: · Part A: Marketing Plan · Part C: Updated Marketing Plan · Part C: Email Student Assessment Declaration Form Student Assessment Declaration Version 3.1 page 1 Last updated: November 2018 Wall Street College Pty Ltd ABN No: 42 606 344 905 RTO No: 41294 CRICOS Provider No.: 03601F Melbourne: Level 4, 20 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Phone: +61 3 9629 4770 Email: [email protected] Hobart: Level 2, 27 Elizabeth St, Hobart, TAS 7000 Phone: +61 3 8645 8556 Email: [email protected] This declaration must be completed and attached to each assessment activity completed by a student. Family name ......................................... Given name ................................................................................................ Student ID .............................................. 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Answered Same DaySep 10, 2021BSBMKG609Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Assessment Task 1 Part A 1. Summarise CBSA’s current operational state including: · The...

Saloni answered on Sep 12 2021
146 Votes
Assessment Task 2
Purpose - To set a road map to achieve goals and objective of the organization.
SWOT Analysis
Part B
    1. A strong back end office team to ensure continuous improvement in the different sectors to cater to the diverse client groups.
2. Helping clients with immediate and future needs which in turn helps adding more customers by the good faith.
3. A third party auditing which ensures the adequacy of work and issue certificate on approval.
    1. To many diverse fields being catered too.
2. It is difficult to stay updated with all the business compliance on a regular basis.
1. Target group is the small and medium scale customer in business work which accounts for the major players in the group. So there is a lot of scope to grow.
    1. Customer would prefer going to a person with specialized knowledge about the particular business.
2. Supporting clients with the plan initially is manageable but with time customer demands change and so does business patterns, thus it becomes difficult formulating changes of business practices each time
Marketing Strategies
    Marketing Strategy
    Marketing Objective
    1. Grow Social Network
    2. Relationship Marketing
    3. Monitoring Market Trends
    4. Establish Thought Leadership

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