1100,01 = (1)f ‘TTxs00 + xuis,2 = (¥)f ‘TLpuis 9sodg = (9)f ‘LTsuoioun4 2u3dwouobi] Jo saARARA €°E NOILD3SX Aq Jojeurtrousp pue Iojeloulini 9pIAIPp 9M 19H NOILNTC|x| 10], f pue [ yioq...

1 answer below »

This is calculus 1 homework.

Section 3.3

11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61,62, 66, 67, 68

For each question you need to show your work and write a proof for each question.

The answers have to be handwritten and you have to put my name on the top left corner of the first page as Zack Aldawoody.

You have to combine all the answers in one PDF file.

The last picture is for the answers so they have to match with your answers.

1100,01 = (1)f ‘TT xs00 + xuis,2 = (¥)f ‘TL puis 9sodg = (9)f ‘LT suoioun4 2u3dwouobi] Jo saARARA €°E NOILD3S X Aq Jojeurtrousp pue Iojeloulini 9pIAIPp 9M 19H NOILNTC <— x="" sb="" ()=""><— §="" uy="" ‘x/="" —="" g="" 10]="" om="" j]="" (6="" —="" um)?="(0)F" ‘01="" q="" ‘8="" aq="" ‘vy="" $9s1219x7="" z="" ue)="" 4="" z="" 998="" :="" 141="" od="" h="(2)b" -0¢="" —="A" 6]="" z="" juss="" g="" s00="" quis="7" ue)="" goo="" i="" i="" ag="" +="" hl="" ‘gl="" —="(mf" ‘ll="" x00="" ,x="" +="" xg="(Y)b" 9="" juts="" mods="" +="" |="" 2="" xue)="" —="" ¢="" oo="" x08)="" —="" xi398'7="—" =="" ()f="" ol="—=4ucl" 7109="" x="" xuis="" yp="" —="" xu)="(X)f" °c="" xs="" —="" 0="" s00="" +="" |="" ie)="" tw="" ——="(0)" ‘el="" xx="" s0j="" g="" us="" 0=""><9 om="" wi="0" 1.="" —="" §="" sod="" :9="" aq="" jojrutiousp="" pub="" jojeiawinu="" spiaip="" 9m="" §="" pue="" g="" suohendh="" 2s="" 01="" 1="" g="" uis=""><0 f="MNT" dul="" i="" —="" s09="" i="EL" :="" i="" (¢="" uonenbyg="" pue="" aurs0d="" jo="" ainunuod="" ay)="" £q)="" ae="" se="" (0="" s09="" x="" x=""> |x| 10], f pue [ yioq Surydess £q 9[qeuoseal SI (8) Jed 0) Iomsue oA Jey) 3s 03 Joy) (q) my &v (x), Puy x — x 03s = (X)/ JI (v) ‘€€ ‘U9910S JUWIES J UO UI] juaSue) ayy pue 2AInd oy) Juryderd Aq (e) 1red arensayy (q) ‘(€ + £ ‘g/u)uiod ayy Ie ¥ $00 9 + x¢ = 4 9AIND 3 03 aur juasue) ay) jo uonenba ue pury (e) ‘ze RI] SL] "U9QI0S QUILS AY) UO UI] juesue) ay) pue aA ay) Suryders £q (2) 1ed sjensny[y (q) 3 “(L ‘g/x)utod ayy Je x us xg = & QAIND A) 03 aul] Judgue) ayy Jo uonenbs ue pury (8) ‘LE NL] Fr >. = > X S02 =i) cf =A (1 ) ST 0€ 4) HH (10) XuIs + xs0d,2 = { 62 (Lz) xus + x=4 gC (10) S00 + xuIs = £ LT -qurod uaAIs ay) Je 9AIND AY) 03 AUT juaSue) ay Jo uonenba ue pul 0£-LT x uis— = (X),f ua ‘x S03 = x) f J1 Jel) ‘ANBALIDP © JO uonIugap AY) SuIsn “9A01d ‘9 xp 2X. 080— = (X 1) Jey) MOUS ST 2 PD U . “x up) X 098 = (X 098) = 1eYl MOUS HT Ap : : . x 700 X 983— = (¥ 289) = Jy) MOUS “ET ‘Ib sajny uonenuasayla € ¥3ldvHO 861 memes ‘6 pue J JO SOATIRALIOP Uf) JO SULIS) UL 6 0 / = J JO 9AIRALIOP 1) PU 01 MOY ST S[[3) BY) S[NI © SARY 0) [NJASN aq PINOM 11 0S ‘6 pue J (10q RHUIIIP 0) MOY MOU IM Bo f= 4 ‘sty ((X)h)S = (¥)4 = £ SIM UBD IM UY) °[ + X = (x)b =n W[ pue np = (n)f = £ 19] om JI 0B] UJ ‘uOnOUNY 3)sOdwWod © SI J Jey) AAIS0 “(X),{ @1B[NO[ED 0) NOK A[qRUD Jou op 101deyo SI) Jo SuonNoas SNOTAdId AY) UT Paes] NOA SB[NULIOJ UONBHUISIIIP AY.L I + XN =(X)d UONOUNJ AY) AJLNUISLIP 0) PASE 218 NOK osoddng any ureyd ayL ((®) 1ed 0) JTomsUR INOA WLIGUOD SANJA asay) 0 "(0 18 f JO SWI] JYSU pue 3] ay are[nofe) (q) {0 18 dARY 01 readde 31 sop Aymunuodsip jo ad) yey “f ydern (e) my XxX x S02 I = (¥)£1971 89 . 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Answered 1 days AfterOct 09, 2022

Answer To: 1100,01 = (1)f ‘TTxs00 + xuis,2 = (¥)f ‘TLpuis 9sodg = (9)f ‘LTsuoioun4 2u3dwouobi] Jo...

Baljit answered on Oct 10 2022
72 Votes

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