DIGITAL ADVERTISING PLAN Project Information Kit Use this information kit to develop a digital advertising plan that will achieve client objectives. Read thoroughly as most questions are answered in...

This is a team assignment and my part as a member of the team is "The organization" , "Market research" and "Swot Analysis". say 800 words or less with data presentation in market research part

DIGITAL ADVERTISING PLAN Project Information Kit Use this information kit to develop a digital advertising plan that will achieve client objectives. Read thoroughly as most questions are answered in the document. TABLE OF CONTENTS ADVT2506 DIGITAL ADVERTISING PLAN Introduction STAGE1 ¤ Prefatory Material 09 03 STAGE 2 þ Situation & Research 11 STAGE 3 U Advertising Strategy 17 STAGE 4 Budgets 24 STAGE 5  Evaluation Strategy 26 STAGE 6 Summary 28 2 Introduction and Overview General Information This introduction section provides all the in-depth details you need to know about the project. You will find information about how to approach the task, what to include in the document, information regarding due dates, and marking criteria. STEP 1: Overview and Structure of Project STEP 2: Timeline STEP 3: Peer Assessment STEP 4: Marking Criteria 3 Overview This project is worth 40% of the overall grade for the course. You have been selected to be part of a “new business” team at a digital advertising agency. Your team will be making a presentation to a prospective client in an effort to land that account for your agency. Although in the real world the potential client would ordinarily be assigned to you by agency management, in this instance you will choose the client. It should be a company from South East Queensland and you should be able to articulate a strategy and create a sufficiently compelling plan to win the digital marketing communications business from this client (e.g. relative to any plan that the client’s current agency may be considering using.) Remember, clients lookfor your ability to contribute to the solution of strategic as well as executional problems. This assignment will be done in teams of four to five persons. It will count for 40% of your final grade, depending upon your individualised weights (determined by peer evaluation). Key project timeline dates and formatting information appear toward the end of this document. Remember, it is helpful (though not essential) for the agency to believe in and have experience with the product/brand that it is helping to promote! Organisation of Paper Your paper should be organised according to the steps that are usually sequentially taken when an advertising campaign is planned and executed. (Of course, in practice many of these decisions are made simultaneously.) This information kit is suggested as a guide to both format and content (i.e. issues that will need to be addressed). However, you may also consider other formats, as the content of such a plan will largely remain the same regardless of the headings and subheadings used in the document. STEP 1: OVERVIEW AND STUCTURE OF PROJECT Items to Consider 4 Format of Paper You may nevertheless choose to organise your plan using the headings and subheadings outlined in this document. The report should include approximately 4000 words of typewritten text plus prefatory material, ads/commercials and any exhibits, bibliography, and other supporting materials that you might wish to include. The document should be attractive and should make the reader want to read it. Add names of students who wish to work together to project group on Blackboard. Monday 21 May by 5.00pm: Submit electronic copy of assignment via course Blackboard website. Only one student per group is required to submit. AdWords component should also be completed by this time. Oral pitches of ad campaign project to be held in class (lecturer to advise of schedule). Hand in a brief (one page maximum, need not be typed) proposal to your lecturer in class explaining your team’s perception of the client organisation’s advertising problem, some proposed advertising objectives, and broad strategic approach. Note: This is not assessable but is for screening purposes to help your lecturer guide you if necessary. Submit “Meeting and Progress Report 1” (use MS Word template provided on Blackboard) describing tasks allocated to group members and progress to date (including ratings of member performance). You might wish to also indicate if you are having group problems or are uncomfortable in any way with your progress. Submit “Meeting and Progress Report 2” (use MS Word template provided on Blackboard) describing tasks allocated to group members and progress to date (including ratings of member performance). Again, indicate if you are having group problems or are uncomfortable in any way with your progress. This is really a last opportunity for poor performing team members to up their contribution. Oral pitches of ad campaign project to be held in class (lecturer to advise of schedule). Week 3 Week 5 Week 5 Week 9 Week 12 Week 13 STEP 2: TIMELINE 5 Peer assessment for this project is compulsory and requires you to rate each of your group members' contribution to the group project and to indicate how you rate your own input. The peer rating will be calculated as an average of the scores assigned to each student. The moderated factor will be used to adjust the group project mark for individuals. Individual Mark = Peer Assessment Factor (PAF) x Group Project Mark. If your ratings are significantly different to the rest of the group and are not sufficiently supported by the comments of yourself and the group, the coordinator may remove your peer assessment from the final calculation of the peer weighting factors. Scores are on a scale of 10, with 10 indicating the highest possible level of contribution. The following scale will be used to determine the credit each student will get for the group projects. Average peer evaluation score: 1.00 – 2.99 (50% of group grade) 3.00 – 3.99 (60% of group grade) 4.00 – 4.99 (70% of group grade) 5.00 – 5.99 (80% of group grade) 6.00 – 6.99 (90% of group grade) 7.00 – 10.00 (100% of group grade) STEP 3: PEER ASSESSMENT 6 STEP 4: MARKING CRITERIA: WRITTEN COMPONENT (35%) (85-100)ExceedsExpectations (75-84)MeetsExpectations (65-74)NearExpectations (64andless)BelowExpectations Research, Analysis,and Strategy (30%) Demonstratesproficientmastery throughsuperioranalysisand rationale.Expertlydrawsfrom primaryandsecondaryresearch findings. Demonstratescompetence throughgoodanalysisand rationale.Competentlydraws fromprimaryandsecondary researchfindings. Doesnotadequately demonstratecompetence throughanalysisandrationale. Doesnotadequatelydrawfrom primaryandsecondaryresearch findings. Doesnotdemonstrate competencethroughanalysisand rationale.Doesnotdrawfrom primaryandsecondaryresearch findings. Creativity(25%) Campaign’scorecreativeideaand executionareexceptionally engaging,imaginative,originaland onstrategy. Campaign’scorecreativeidea andexecutionareengagingand onstrategy. Campaign’scorecreativeidea andexecutionarenotadequately engagingandarenotadequately onstrategy. Campaign’scorecreativeidea andexecutionarenotengaging andarenotonstrategy. Advertising Planning(25%) Adroitlydescribeshowdifferent digitaladvertising modes/channels worktogethertocreateaseamless experienceforthecustomerand arepresentedwithasimilartone andstylethatreinforcesthe brand’scoremessage. Capablydescribeshowdifferent digitaladvertising modes/channelsworktogether tocreateaseamlessexperience forthecustomerinamanner thatreinforcesthebrand’score message. Doesnotadequatelydescribe howdifferentdigitaladvertising modes/channelsworktogether tocreateaseamlessexperience forthecustomerinamannerthat doesnotcompletelyreinforce thebrand’scoremessage. Doesnotdescribehowdifferent digitalmarketingcommunication modes/channelsworktogether tocreateaseamlessexperience forthecustomerinamannerthat doesnotreinforcethebrand’s coremessage. Mechanics/Technical(5%) Demonstratesproficientmasteryin useoftechnologies(e.g.AdWords) forcampaigndesign/structureand adcreation. Demonstratescompetenceinuse oftechnologies(e.g.AdWords) forcampaigndesign/structure. Doesnotadequately demonstratecompetenceinuse oftechnologies(e.g.AdWords) forcampaigndesign/structure. Doesnotdemonstrate competenceinuseof technologies(e.g.AdWords)for campaigndesign/structure. Organizationand Style(5%) Documentisstructuredinahighly logical,interesting,creativeand engagingsequence,andutilizes adequategraphsandvisual presentation. Documentisstructuredina logicalsequence,andutilizes adequategraphsandvisual presentation. Documentisnotadequately structuredinalogicalsequence, anddoesnotadequatelyutilize adequategraphsandvisual presentation. Documentisnotstructuredina logicalsequence,anddoesnot utilizeadequategraphsandvisual presentation. Clarityof Communication(10%) Usesgraceful,coherentlanguage thatskillfullycommunicates meaningtoreaderswithclarityand fluency,andisvirtuallyerror-free. Usesstraightforward,coherent languagethatgenerallyconveys meaningtoreaders.The languageusedhasfew grammatical,punctuation, spelling,andreferencingerrors. Useslanguagethatgenerally conveysmeaningtoreaderswith clarity,althoughwritingmay includesomegrammatical, punctuation,spelling,and referencingerrors. Useslanguagethatsometimes impedesmeaningbecauseof errorsinusage,including grammatical,punctuation, spelling,andreferencingerrors. 7 STEP 4: MARKING CRITERIA: PRESENTATION COMPONENT (5%) (85-100) Exceeds Expectations (75-84) Meets Expectations (65-74) Near Expectations (64 and less) Below Expectations Organization (20%) Information was presented in a logical, interesting, creative and engaging sequence which conveys the meaning in a manner the audience can understand. Information was presented in a logical, straightforward sequence which conveys the meaning in a manner the audience can understand. Information was presented in a manner which does not adequately convey the information in a manner the audience can completely understand. Information was not presented in a logical, interesting or creative sequence. Does not convey the information in a manner the audience can understand. Content Knowledge (20%) Demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the content and ability to provide explanations and elaborate on issues. Demonstrated a firm grasp of the content. Ability to answer basic questions. Not completely familiar or comfortable with content. Limited ability to answer basic questions. Lack of understanding of content. Unable to answer basic questions. Visual Product (20%) Visuals and/or graphics make the presentation engaging and free from detractions. Use of visuals and/or graphics contribute to the effectiveness of the presentation and do not detract from its effectiveness. Use of visuals and/or graphics do not fully contribute to the effectiveness of the presentation and/or somewhat detract from its effectiveness. Use of visuals and/or graphics does not contribute to the effectiveness of the presentation and/or detract from its effectiveness. Delivery (30%) Presenters were able to manipulate volume and clarity of voice, pronunciation and eye contact to engage the audience and effectively deliver the information with only appropriate reliance on notes or visuals. Presenters used proper volume and clarity of voice, pronunciation and eye contact to deliver the information with some reliance on notes or visuals. Some flaws in use of volume and clarity of voice, pronunciation and eye contact to deliver the information. Strong reliance on notes or visuals. Inadequate use of volume and clarity of voice, pronunciation and eye contact to deliver the information. Read directly from notes or visuals for majority of presentation. Mechanics (10%) No misspelled words, grammar, punctuation, or pronunciation errors. No more than minor misspelled words, grammar, punctuation or pronunciation errors. Adequate for presentation without revision. Major misspellings, grammatical, punctuation and pronunciation errors in some areas. Acceptable with revisions. Major misspellings, grammatical, punctuation and pronunciation errors throughout. Unacceptable. 8 STAGE 1 Prefatory Material Prefatory material is important to set up the document, make it easy to read, and find information. Make certain to include all student names on the title page, write an easy-to-digest Executive Summary containing the necessary information to make quick judgments, and a complete Table of Contents. STEP 1: Title Page and Executive Summary STEP 2: Table of Contents¤ 9 1 Prefatory Material Title Page Use a standard cover page with names of all students listed. Executive
May 11, 2020

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