This is a research paper the title is The reason of drug abuse among teenagers in Las Vegas
SW 716/416 PAGE 9 SW 716/416 Fall 2020 Mailing 3 Starting with The Research Process Dear Students: You have already received Mailings 1-2. This is Mailing 3 about how to start the research process (see: The Research Process information sent to you earlier on pages 4-5 of Mailing 2 and again sent with this communication). I will also try to clarify further in this mailing what we will do in this course, what the expectations are, and what kind of assignments you will do to complete the course. Due dates are difficult to pre-specify because each class moves with its own speed. But you will get appropriate time to do them. Before we proceed further, here are some important notes: Some Notes · I have chosen this method of typed lectures so that you may have comprehensive notes to work from, which was not possible through zoom lectures even if you yourself took notes from them. With the typed lectures you will also better understand the book chapters and other readings. These my lectures are very comprehensive and there are enough examples, guidance, and working instructions in them. Therefore if you focus on them, it should not be difficult to do the assignments. · Please note that if you do all the assignments in a timely manner, right or wrong, to the best of your abilities a passing grade of C will be assured for you, better also as per your performance. · Please send all communications directly only to my e-mail address:
[email protected]. That includes your questions, concerns, and assignments. · Please give me your full name and the class you are in in all communications. · Only assignments submitted on time will count toward your final grade. · Overall feedback on each assignment will be provided in the next mailing. · School of Social Work office only forwards the lecture and assignment materials to you. I answer all your questions and concerns. · Please check your e-mail daily for any request or information from me. Normally lecture and assignment materials will be sent to you once a week with information of assignments and required readings. · All assignments should be returned to my e-mail address only in order for me to make their hard copies. · Please you should keep a note of the due dates of the exercises and assignments. No reminders will be sent. · There are no regular zoom or online meetings in this class. Zoom meetings will be arranged as their need is felt and you will be informed in a timely manner. · As such, there are no mid-term or final exams in this class (see: your syllabus). The grading is through the weekly or periodic assignments only. Feedback on Last Exercise/Assignment Only readings were assigned last week for two weeks. There was no other exercise or assignment. New Information Knowledge Part Starting the Research Process In the last mailing I gave you information about some concepts that make us aware about the language and the understanding in the research process. We also know that research is trying to answer some questions about a problem or a topic in a systematic manner. That systematic manner is the research process about which we will start sharing the information in this communication. There are two information sheets enclosed: 1) The Research Process, 2) The Writing of A Research Report. The first tells us “what to do” and the second “how to write about what we did” in the form of a research report. The whole course, piece by piece, part by part, is about these two processes and it will take us the whole semester to do that. Let us start. Remember we are trying to practice here primarily the survey method. Survey studies (and other studies also) are at five levels: exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and prescriptive. Exploratory means studies which merely explore or try to have a rough idea of the problem or issue. The information needed to answer the questions is small, straightforward, and mostly at the surface level. Example: Is racism an issue in America? (yes, no, and not sure answers from the respondent will do). Descriptive means studies which intend to achieve more than yes/no/not sure or surface level answers. Example: Is racism an issue in America and if so what is the nature and magnitude of this problem? Here merely yes/no/not sure answer will not do. Further information is needed on the nature and the magnitude of the problem or issue. Explanatory is with the information of reasons or consequences of the problem or issue. Example, what are the reasons for racism in America, or what are the consequences of racism in America? This is more than just exploration or description, reasons or consequences of the problem or issue are also needed. Predictive is when we know enough about the reasons or consequences (like a theory –see definition in the earlier mailing) we can also make prediction about the occurrence, nature, magnitude of the problem or issues for the future. Example; when couples keep on fighting a divorce is likely to occur in the future, or when a student works hard he or she is likely to get a good grade. Prediction of weather or economic trends are also examples. Prescriptive is to prescribe. Example finding information from research to use in social work practices as a prescription or as a use. We generally do the first three kinds of studies or in one study keep those three emphases in the questions. So here is one example of a research with the three emphases in the questions (exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory) around which we will also start our first practice exercise (explained later). Reasons for Drug Abuse among Teenagers in Las Vegas or Consequences of Drug Abuse among Teenagers in Las Vegas Questions 1. Is drug abuse a problem among teenagers in Las Vegas? (exploratory, the answers can easily come as yes/no/not sure). 2. If yes, what is the nature and magnitude of the problem of drug abuse among teenagers in Las Vegas? (descriptive, here the respondents need to give more information for description of the nature and the magnitude of the problem). 3. What are the reasons for (or the consequences of – you will do only one or the other) of the problem of drug abuse among teenagers in Las Vegas? Please note that in survey studies at the explanation level, there are generally four things: · some independent or dependent variables (for definitions, see: Mailing 2). If you go for “reasons for drug abuse,” then all “reasons” are independent variables (causes) and “drug abuse” is dependent variable (results or consequences). If you go for the “consequences,” then all “consequences are the dependent variables and “drug abuse” is the independent variable (reason or cause). · The other two things in the title are population from whom or on whom the information is collected, and the locality where the respondents give the information, How Do We Actually Start A Research? For this please refer to the first two bold subheadings of The Research Process information sheet. We will focus on the first five subheadings as follows: 1) selection of problem or issue, 2) exploration for knowledge – diverse sources, 3) perceived research needs, 4) specification of the research topic, and 5) asking research questions. The first step in the research process is choosing a problem or issue for research. In my example I chose “drug abuse.” You can choose “low academic achievement,” “depression,” “low self-esteem,” “domestic violence,” “child abuse,” “homelessness,” etc. – any one of these or other problems and issues. That gives you an idea what your research is about and later you are going to ask questions about this topic. Next step is trying to know about that chosen topic as much as possible from all different angles, in all different aspects, and from as many different sources as possible like library, int4rnet, victims, their families, their friends, helpers, and professionals such as social workers who try to serve them. This effort does three things: 1) gives you enough knowledge to write “Statement of the Problem” section in your Research Proposal (see: how to write a research report or proposal sheet), 2) points to the needs for future research (questions not asked, questions only partially answered, and findings on questions which are contradictory) on the basis of which you ask your research question (you don’t do it all, but 1, 2, 3 research questions) 3) it helps you further specify your research topic – so that it is not too broad or too narrow (you decide it), and then 4) you ask about 1-3 question for your research to try to find information on those questions to answer them. To do all that initially requires lot of time (at least) 2-3 months and we in a semester can’t afford that kind of time to this activity. Therefore we will start with a specific topic, focus, questions, population, and locality and come back to exploration later. Our main goal here is not to produce any research results, but learn how to apply the research process minutely and rigorously. Therefore it also does not matter which topic you choose for the forthcoming exercises because no matter which topic application of the research steps is the same. Practice Part/Assignment For this week, as a start, you will take my above example and specify an appropriate title of your research just like mine in the example, but your problem or issues, population, and locality could change. The questions will also remain the same so that a standardized feedback can be provided to all. That also gives you an opportunity to discuss and work together because questions remain the same. You can keep your topic “drug abuse” or one of the following: “low academic achievement,” “depression,” “low self-esteem,” or make it “domestic violence,” “child abuse,” “homelessness,” etc. This one page assignment is due by or before Thursday, September 3, 4 pm. Further Assigned Work and Readings Your reading assignments from the textbook remain the same because those were for two weeks. Additionally please start working on a general bibliography on your chosen topic and I will give you more guidance on this next week. Larger Picture Just as this week, each week you can expect to do an exercise on one step of the research process. You will submit those exercises to my e-mail and periodically also revise those exercises to your liking with feedback from me. Combined those exercises will become your “Research Proposal” and you will submit it to me in four parts (about two parts before the mid-term and other two parts after the mid-term). How to write a research report or proposal – guidance will be provided on that. Cumulatively initially done exercises will carry a weight