10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. COMM 800 – COMM Research Statistics Identify a specific area of research that you would like to study. Then, write a research question, and then identify three unique hypotheses...

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10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. COMM 800 – COMM Research Statistics Identify a specific area of research that you would like to study. Then, write a research question, and then identify three unique hypotheses that relate to your area of research. For each hypothesis, identify the independent and dependent variables. Please conceptualize and operationalize each variable (please state a specific survey question with response options). Discuss the statistical test or tests you would need to run to answer these hypotheses. Next, please conceptualize and operationalize each variable; please state a specific survey question with response options. Finally, discuss the statistical test or tests you would need to answer these hypotheses. See next page. Finally, In the following two examples you will be presented with a hypothesis and an SPSS output. For each example please write a sentence or two reporting the results of the hypothesis test in APA format. Include proper notation and numbers from the outputs where appropriate. Example 1: H: There will be a significant relationship between how important a proposed alcohol tax is to individuals and how relevant it is to them. Variables: Tax Important: Survey question asked participants how important a proposed tax on alcohol was to themselves… “How important is the proposed alcohol tax increase to you” 1 – Not important; 7- Very important. Relevant: Survey question asked participants how relevant they thought a proposed tax on alcohol was to themselves... “How relevant is the proposed alcohol tax increase to you personally?”: 1– Not important; 7- Very important Ans: - Here the p – value is less than 0.05, here it is 0.000, so it is highly statistically significant. So, we accept the given hypothesis, there will be a significant relationship between how important a proposed alcohol tax is to individuals and how relevant it is to them. Example 2: H: The majority of individuals think there should be stricter naturalization rules in Switzerland when asked in January 2008 compared to when they are asked in June 2008. Variable: The following question was asked of survey participants at two different times; January 2008, and June 2008. “Stricter Naturalization”: Survey question asked participants how much they agree with the following statement… “I approve stricter naturalization rules in Switzerland” 1 – Strongly Disagree; 7- Strongly Agree. · The top variable in the chart below was taken in January 2008, the bottom variable was the same question from June 2008. Ans: - Here the p value is less than 0.05, here it is 0.001 (0.263 ± 2.445), it is statistically significant. So, we accept the given hypothesis, i.e. the majority of individuals think there should be stricter naturalization rules in Switzerland when asked in January 2008 compared to when they are asked in June 2008.
Answered Same DayMay 04, 2021

Answer To: 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. COMM 800 – COMM Research Statistics Identify a specific area of research that...

Aimy answered on May 05 2021
146 Votes
10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
COMM 800 – COMM Research Statistics
Identify a specific area of research that you would like to study. Then, write a research question, and then identify three uni
que hypotheses that relate to your area of research. For each hypothesis, identify the independent and dependent variables. Please conceptualize and operationalize each variable (please state a specific survey question with response options). Discuss the statistical test or tests you would need to run to answer these hypotheses.
Next, please conceptualize and operationalize each variable; please state a specific survey question with response options. Finally, discuss the statistical test or tests you would need to answer these hypotheses.
See next page.
Area of research: - Clinical field
Research question: - The prevalence of anemia in heart failure patients does it predict prognosis.
The aim of the studies are: -
1. To estimate the prevalence rate of anemia in heart failure patients.
2. To assess the relationship of clinical characteristics, laboratory and echocardiography results with respect to anemia in heart failure patients.
3. To find the survival probability of anemia in heart failure patients and its comparison with no anemic group.
4. To find the predictors of recurrence from all causes of heart failure.
Anemia is prevalent in Heart Failure (HF) patients. It is hypothesized that clinical characteristics, laboratory and echocardiography results and medication profile have significant association with risk of developing Heart Failure in patients with and without anemia. In this study we consider patients as anemic if their Hb level is less than 10.0mg/dl.
The study is a cross-sectional, single-center observational study. The study population will comprise of all the patients having heart failure with and without anemia and those who...

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