This is a law assignment and hence should be handled by a lawyer who has knowledge of environmental law

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Answered Same DayMar 31, 2021

Answer To: This is a law assignment and hence should be handled by a lawyer who has knowledge of environmental...

Rupsha answered on Apr 21 2021
146 Votes
Paper Writing
Table of Contents
The Habitats Directive    3
Appropriate Assessment    4
Steps of Appropriate Assessment    5
Mitigations as per Case Law    7
References    9
The Habitats Directive
The habitats directive set off rules lay down for ensuring the conservation of a wide range of endangered species of animals and plants, which was adopted in the year 1992 for the sole purpose of conservation of wildlife in and across Europe. Along with species of plants and animals approximately 200 dif
ferent and endangered habitats on living environment for animals and plants have also been listed under these rules for conservation as these are also endangered and need to be conserved in their own right. The habitats directive aims to conserve wildlife and promote biodiversity-taking account of the social economic and cultural heritage they hold in and across the countries of Europe and for the protection of endangered plants and animals across the land. With the development of Technology and progress of humankind, pollution has been on the rise over the years and that has resulted in a huge quantity of loss in the ecosystem and practices like deforestation and slaughter of wild animals lead to disappearances of many species over the years. In this way, an imbalance in the ecosystem is created which leads to economic cultural and social loss of the humans in turn. Therefore, the necessity to conserve the wildlife and biodiversity across the land arose, as it was the question of our country's Heritage culture and economy. Therefore the act of habitat derivatives was formed which ensure the safety and well-being of a number of species of endangered animals birds and plants and the conservation of nearly 200 habitats of animals and plants that were being destroyed by means of human development. Biodiversity and environment go hand in hand and biodiversity is indispensable for having a sound environment (Schoukens & Cliquet, 2016). Therefore, what harm done to biodiversity environment comes under a threat. Therefore to enable sustainable development and proper maintenance of biodiversity for sake of the environment the habitat derivatives have come into play that secure the habitat the species and in turn biodiversity. This ensures the well-being of the environment along with human progress and is a key factor for sustainable development all over Europe and its countries. With industrialization and modernization, pollution rates all over the globe have been on the rise and demand for raw supply of wood timber and other organic materials has led to deforestation largely. The demand for animal products has also been on the rise and has led to huge number of slaughter of animals both legally and illegally that has proved harmful for the environment in the end. Biodiversity has been affected over the years with a number of disappearance of species and extinction of a number of plants and animals. Sustainable development states that, development should take place with its regular progress but should not harm the environment. It should be done in a way to protect the environment and the earth for the future generations and the society in near and far future, the need of a protocol or set of rules to protect the environment despite the fast moving progress of industrialization and modernization needed to be framed. To protect the environment calls for an immediate need to protect the habitat and species that constitutes the ecosystem and irresponsible for biodiversity all over the globe. Does saving animals habitat became necessary and the conservation of species would lead to economic development and preservation of cultural heritage of all the countries in across Europe. Therefore the habitat derivative was necessary is it aims for the preservation of biodiversity and habitat of animals along with endangered species of plants animals and birds.
 Appropriate Assessment
 Appropriate assessment as described by the environment protection agency of Ireland is a proper assessment of all possible adverse effects that can take place while execution of a project. It takes into consideration all the negative aspects of a project and everything that can go wrong with it. As opined by Carroll et al., (2019), appropriate assessment account for the environmental hazards that can take place while execution of a project. It also takes into consideration, the negative effects of a project, on human life and society as well as whether it can hamper the process of sustainable development. Appropriate assessment is a key factor that is generally responsible for proper checking out of adverse effect on areas that are under conservation or are harnessing life that threatened under the threat of extinction. This policy is required as there are many projects developing today which are essential what the growth and development of the society and a necessary for industrialization and modernization. However,...

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