this is a group assignment where we have to design a network from small to medium enterprise. there are several parts categorised like introduction, executive summary where as mine is NO. 03 BUSINESS...

this is a group assignment where we have to design a network from small to medium enterprise. there are several parts categorised like introduction, executive summary where as mine is NO. 03 BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL GOALS, and NO. 5 &6 i.e. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT AND you have to do my part of assignment NO. 3 , 5 AND 6 ONLY

1 Assessment Type Report Assessment Number 02 Assessment Name Weighting Designing a Computer Network for a Small to Medium Enterprise 25% (Marks = 50) Alignment with Unit Learning Outcomes Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed ULO 3: Describe and discuss the key functions and various elements (routers, modems, etc.) of modern computer networks (LANs, WANs, and wireless networks). ULO 4: Design, configure, build, and troubleshoot a simple/basic local area network (LAN). ULO 5: Identify and critically assess key security and data verification issues related to the creation and maintenance of computer networks. GA 1: Communication GA 2: Collaboration GA 3: Research GA 4: Critical Thinking GA 5: Ethical Behaviour GA 6: Flexibility Due Date/Time Week 11 Online Moodle Submission; 23:59 (AEST) Sunday 7 June 2020 Assessment Description You are required to write a report that proposes a network design that meets the business and technical goals of an organization. This assessment is to be done in groups of four to five students. Detailed Submission Requirements The word limit of the report is 3000. It should be written in size 12 Arial Font. You must submit your own work and use appropriate references in Harvard style where needed. The similarity index of your report should not be more than 20%. You must email the group names and chosen organization to your instructor by week 8. Instructor will discuss the project with each group in the online sessions of week 9 and week 10. BISY2002/ISY2002/ISY202 Information Systems Networking Essentials Unit 2 Context and Requirements • Choose an organization that has a small to medium computer network environment, with multiple network services and locations. • You should clearly discuss the business and technical goals of the chosen organization. • You should critically analyse various networking technologies that can be used to meet the business and technical goals. • You should clearly label and draw the logical topology diagram of your organization. HOW TO PRESENT YOUR ASSIGNMENT / SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Your report must follow the structure given below; 1. Executive Summary • It should concisely explain the aims, objectives and content of the report. • It should be between 250 – 300 words long (tip: write the abstract last) 2. Introduction • In few paragraphs mention details and background of the organization e.g. type of organization, number of employees, number of branch offices, key business and technical goals. 3. Business and Technical Goals • Explain at least five key business goals of the organization. • Explain at least five key technical goals of the organization. 4. Designing of Network • You must explain the various components of your network in this section. • You must explain the various networking technologies that you have used to meet the business and technical goals of the organization. • Draw and explain the logical topology diagram of your network. • Provide appropriate citations in Harvard style. 5. Hardware and Software Requirements • Clearly mention the hardware and software required for your network. • Various devices e.g. routers, switches, firewalls etc. that fit your goals and requirements should be clearly mentioned. Provide appropriate citations in Harvard style. 6. Conclusion • Conclude your report by highlighting key business and technical goals of the new network, and how these goals are met in the new design. 3 RETENTION OF RECORDS Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period. INFORMATION ABOUT HOW AND WHEN FEEDBACK WILL BE PROVIDED Your results of the assessment will be available within 1 week of the submission of the report. Feedback will be in the form of comments on the document along with the marks awarded following the marking criteria. GROUP CONTRIBUTION FORM You must submit the Group Contribution Form with the report. Group Contribution Form is given on the next page. MARKING CRITERIA See the rubric at the end of this assessment brief. 4 Group Contribution Form Unit Name/Code BISY2002/ISY2002/ISY202 Information Systems Networking Essentials Assessment Number 2 Assessment Name Designing a Computer Network for a small to medium enterprise Due Date and Time Report submission deadline is 23:59 (AEST) Sunday 7 June 2020 Instructions • Report will not be marked without the submission of this form with the report. • This form should be completely filled. • This form should be signed by all group members. • Attach this form at the end of the report. Names of Student Tasks Worked on Percentage Contribution to Assessment e.g. If you have contributed equally then mention 33.33% contribution by each Signature Assessment Rubric Total Marks = 50 Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusion (15 marks) Executive Summary (5 marks) Clearly explains key aims, objectives and content of the report (5 marks) Lacks some explanation of key aims, objectives and content of the report (4 -4.75 marks) Not clearly explains the key aims, objectives and content of the report (2.5 -3.75 marks) Poorly explains key aims, objectives and content of the report (0.25 –2.25 marks) Executive Summary is not written (0 marks) Introduction (5 marks) Clearly describes the background and details of the chosen organization (5 marks) Lacks some description of the background and details of the chosen organization (4 -4.75 marks) Not clearly describes the background and details of the chosen organization (2.5 -3.75 marks) Poorly describes the background and details of the chosen organization (0.25 –2.25 marks) Introduction is not written (0 marks) Conclusion (5 marks) Clearly and accurately summarizes key results of the report (5 marks) Lacks in summarizing some key results of the report (4 -4.75 marks) Not clearly summarizes key results of the report (2.5 -3.75 marks) Poorly summarizes key results of the report (0.25 –2.25 marks) Conclusion is not written (0 marks) Business and Technical Goals (10 marks) Business Goals (5 marks) All five goals are clearly explained (5 marks) Few goals are missing and/or not clearly explained (4 – 4.75 marks) Many goals are missing and/or not clearly explained (2.5 – 3.75 marks) Many goals are missing and are poorly written (0.25 – 2.25 marks) Goals are not written (0 marks) Technical Goals (5 marks) Designing of Network (20 marks) Network Design (15 marks) All components and networking technologies related to business and technical goals are clearly explained (15 marks) Some components and networking technologies related to business and technical goals are missing and/or not clearly explained (12 – 14.75 marks) Many components and networking technologies related to business and technical goals are missing and/or not clearly explained (7.5 – 11.75 marks) Many components and networking technologies related to business and technical goals are missing and are poorly explained (0.25 – 7.25 marks) Network Design is missing (0 marks) Logical Topology Diagram (5 marks) Logical Topology Diagram is clearly drawn and explained (5 marks) Few parts of Logical Topology Diagram are not clearly drawn and explained (4 – 4.75 marks) Many parts of Logical Topology Diagram are missing and/or not clearly explained (2.5 – 3.75 marks) Many parts of Logical Topology Diagram are missing and poorly explained (0.25 –2.25 marks) Logical Topology Diagram is missing (0 marks) Hardware and Software Requirements (5 marks) Hardware and Software Requirements (5 marks) Hardware and Software requirements are clearly explained (5 marks) Few Hardware and Software requirements are missing and/or not clearly explained (4 – 4.75 marks) Many Hardware and Software requirements are missing and/or not clearly explained (2.5 – 3.75 marks) Many Hardware and Software requirements are missing and are poorly explained (0.25 -2.25 marks) Hardware and Software requirements are missing (0 marks)

May 18, 2022

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