This is a dissertation proposal: Title: Social effort preparation and its outcome on the excellence of life for the elderly people in Gravesend UK. Student want plagiarism report Dissertation...

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This is a dissertation proposal: Title:

Social effort preparation and its outcome on the excellence of life for the elderly people in Gravesend UK. Student want plagiarism report

Dissertation Proposal Form

Student Name

Supervisor Name

Student Number


Project title:

Start and end dates of research:

Proposed activity – aims, objectives, research question(s), and state how it is novel

Methodology – rationale, data selection and collection, recruitment, participant demographics, analytical process


Project management

Table: Project timeline and key outputs



Supervision Meetings

Research Data Management Plan (
Describe the data you expect to acquire or generate during this research project, how you will manage, describe, analyse, and store the data and what mechanisms you will use to share and preserve your data.)

Planned outputs/publications/research datasets/impact/dissemination

If successful, I undertake to carry out the research according to the University’s Ethics code of Practice and will be required to complete an Ethics checklist – see relevant forms detailed under Primary Research (Applicant’s signature required)


Date and signature of Supervisor approval


Date and signature of Employer approval (required for Apprentices only)



Ethics submitted to supervisor for approval

Ethics submitted to UG/PG Dissertation ML/PTL for final approval

Data collection can commence

Reviewed by internal expert

Ethics submitted

Approved by research committee/ethics chair

Data collection to commence

Research Ethics Application Form

All research conducted by Arden University students require ethical approval. The application should be sent to your supervisor with your research proposal and any supporting documentation such as a recruitment invitation letter or guide, recruitment flyer (online/offline), participant information sheet, informed consent form, permission letter form an organisation to use their premises, participant instruction guide, questionnaire, measures, interview questions, debrief form, and any supporting or additional documentation that will be provided to the participants, or those helping with the research such as gatekeepers and assistants.

Secondary Research Only (Answer up to and including Question 3)

Complete information up to and including Question 3 if you are conducting ONLY secondary research and can answer YES to the following question:

This investigation will NOT involve the collection of data from human participants, though it may collect data about individuals from published matter (e.g., previously published interviews or behavioural data).

Once the application and research proposal are reviewed and approved by your Supervisor, it will be sent to the Module Leader (ML)/Programme Team Leader (PTL) for final approval.
You cannot collect data until final approval has been provided by the ML/PTL.

Please complete the information below.

Please circle Yes or No to the following questions and where indicated please provide further information

1. Are you required to use a professional code of ethics and conduct relevant to your profession (e.g. British Psychological Society, Health Care Professions Council National Health Service, Ministry of Defence, the Law Society)


If yes, please state

2. If yes, have you read the relevant professional code of ethics and conducts?


3. Are you sourcing secondary data? (e.g. Information from web sites, journal articles, archives)


If yes, please provide details



Primary research is used if your investigation involves the collection of data directly from human participants, rather than depending on data collected from previously completed research, and this can be in the form of a questionnaire, survey, interview or experiments.

All forms for primary research
accompany this Ethics form, including

draft of the questionnaire, interview questions, survey or experiment


· Participant Information Sheet

· Participant Informed Consent Form

· Participant Debrief Sheet

· Evidence of organisational approval (where relevant)

· Recruitment poster/invitation letter or email

These forms can be found in the Dissertation Module on ilearn

A proviso is to be used if all of the correct paperwork has been submitted, and this includes a questionnaire that addresses the research aims and objectives but which requires some minor amendments such as phrasing of questions, typos, grammatical errors and so on.Therefore, the form can be approved as long as the conditions of the proviso are met. Guarantee of the changes being met can be authorised by the supervisor and this will save going through the whole proposal/ethics approval process again. The supervisor MUST see the proviso changes before the student uses the instrument.

4. Are you using an external research instrument or validated scale? (e.g. survey/psychometric))


If yes, please provide a reference.

5. Are you sourcing primary data involving participants (e.g. Surveys, interviews, focus group, Internet forums)?


6. Are you dealing with sensitive data (e.g. personal data, organisational data, those with vulnerable groups)?


If yes, please outline how this data will be stored securely to ensure compliance with GDPR (all data MUST be stored on the AU Onedrive, not on personal drives)

7. Are you sourcing secondary data? (e.g. Information from web sites, journal articles, archives)


If yes, please provide details

8. Does the study require DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks?

**Please note that unless already working with this population, permission will not be granted to students to data collect from this population)


If yes, please provide serial number, date obtained and expiry data

9. Does the study involve direct contact with?

**Please note that unless already working with this population, permission will not be granted to students to data collect from this population)

Vulnerable adults (e.g., learning difficulties, dementia, living in residential care) YES/NO

Those under the age of

Adults in prison/remanded in custody/on bail YES/NO

If yes, please outline the participant group

Data Security

10. Can you guarantee the full security and confidentiality of data collected?


If no, please outline reasons

**Please note that any electronic data should be stored on Arden University’s one drive (therefore students must use their Arden email address for data collection, communication etc.)

11. Please outline how you will ensure anonymity and confidentiality of data

12. Will you be responsible for destroying the data after the research is complete?


If yes at what date will the data be destroyed?

If no, who will be responsible?

**Please note that data should be destroyed as soon as possible (when full data usage has been completed) but no later than 3 years from data collection.

Informed Consent

13. Will all participants receive information as to why the research is being conducted and what their participation will involve?


If no, please state reasons

14. Will all participants be asked to give informed consent before the study starts?


If no, please state reasons

15. Will all participants be told of the data being collected and how the data be used?


If no, please state reasons

16. Will all participants be told that they do not have to participate in the research?


If no, please state reasons

17. Does the study involve deception?


If yes, please provide detail

Risk of Harm

18. Is there any risk that the research may lead to physical/psychological harm or disclosure of criminal activities/convictions?


If yes, please outline and explain what you will do to reduce risks

19. Is there any significant risk that participants may disclose the harming of others or harming of themselves?


If yes, please provide details and actions you will take

Participant Recruitment

20. Are you proposing to recruit participants who are students or staff or Arden University?


If yes, please provide details of any potential conflict of interest and how this will be mitigated

21. Employees of organisations?


If yes, how will permission be gained from the organisation?

22. Students through educational institutions?


If yes, how will permission be gained from the institution?

23. Participants in residential care, social care, nursing homes


If yes, how will permission be gained from the organisation and individuals/carers?

24. Adults in prison, in custody, on remand


If yes, how will permission be gained from the organisation and individuals?

Online Research

25. Will any of your research involve online data collection?


(e.g. online surveys, Facebook, Linkedin. Twitter)

If yes, how will permission be obtained to collect data if necessary?

26. Will you be using a survey software (e.g. Gorilla or Microsoft Forms)?


If yes, please provide details

Participant Payment

27. Are payments/incentives being offered to participants?


If yes, please provide details

28. Will you tell participants that payment/incentives do not affect participants right to withdraw their data?


Answered 4 days AfterFeb 07, 2021

Answer To: This is a dissertation proposal: Title: Social effort preparation and its outcome on the excellence...

Soumi answered on Feb 11 2021
148 Votes
Dissertation Proposal Form
    Student Name
    Supervisor Name    
    Student Number
    Project title:
    Start and end dates of research:
    Proposed activity – aims, objectives, research question(s), and state how it is novel
The primary aim of the research is to identify the social issues in improving the life of the elderly people in Gravesend UK. The research further aims to identify the outcomes of these social efforts in improving lives.
· To highlight the social efforts on improving the life of the elderly people
· To analyse the impact of this efforts in improving the quality of life
· To evaluate the ways, in which the life of the elderly people are improved
· To recommend alternative strategies and policies
to have positive effect on the elderly people
Research Questions
· What are the social efforts towards improving the life of the elderly people?
· How do these efforts affect the life of the elderly people?
· What are the ways, which affect improving the life of the people?
· What strategies can be implemented in improving the lives of the elderly?
Novelty of Research
The proposed research can be considered as novel because it will aim to analyse the process of social efforts in improving the lives of the elderly in the Gravesend UK, which has not found much of researches in the past. Since it will be analysed using both qualitative and quantitative primary data, therefore, this research can serve as a novel source of information for future researchers.
    Methodology – rationale, data selection and collection, recruitment, participant demographics, analytical process
The researcher has to adopt research strategies in order to complete a research. The strategies generally used by the researcher, which includes the surveys and the interviews. A research strategy also includes interview strategy and experimental strategy. Extraction of data from different kinds of sources is possible due to the research strategies employed by the researchers for the research (Wolffsohn et al. 2017). Survey is a strategy used by the researchers in order to extract information or data from a huge population.
The data that will be extracted are reliable and authentic. It consumes little time and financial resources. Experimental strategy is used by the researchers when new theories and models are provided of that particular topic of the research. The interview is a strategy used by the research in order to extract qualitative data. The qualitative data are generally in the form of facial expression. A considerable time is given to apply this strategy.
In this research work, survey questionnaires strategy and interview strategy will be used by the researchers for this research. This will help the researchers to extract and collect data, which is known as the primary qualitative data from statistics and research. These statistics and researches are from previous reports and researches. Survey strategy will be used by the researcher and the data, which was collected, is called the primary quantitative data.
Data Selection and Collection
Data collection method is very essential for the researcher for their research as it helps the researcher to construct a complete framework for their research. It always helps to figure out the approximate amount of resources that are necessary and required in order to perform the collection of data methods of the research. The survey questionnaire method will be used by the researchers to get data. The survey questionnaire method will have a Likert scale. Likert scale ranges from strongly agree to strongly disagree. This helps the researchers to get a holistic idea of the opinion of the people (Orngreen and Levinsen, 2017).
The questionnaire was close-ended questions that were provided to the participants. Social media was used to perform this survey. This survey helped the researchers to extract and collect a huge amount of primary data or information in a very short span of time. The amount of resources used by the researchers is very little. The researcher also used government websites and health journals in order to extract and collect data in the form of primary data. The primary data then analysed by the researchers. This data, which is collected, is called primary quantitative data.
The participants will be chosen for the survey questionnaire from five most renowned old age care facilities and elderly healthcare homes in and around the city of Gravesend, UK. From these five care homes only, the care providers will be interviewed.
Participant Demographics
The demographics chosen for the survey will be elderly people. The age of the participants will be determined to be between 65 years and 80 years. The age and gender of the care providers would be varied.
The most important part for a researcher in a research is to engage with what kind of philosophy is suitable for the research. Philosophy of a research is important for a researcher because it gives the foundation or base to build the research on. There are two kinds of philosophies, which are used by the researcher. These two philosophies are called Positivism philosophy and Interpretivism Philosophy (Couto et al. 2017).
The philosophy of the research totally depends on the observations. It helps to collect data and analysis of the data by using a statistical method. The data are collected from evidence, which are real and even from the existing theories from the previous researches, from which a hypothetical conclusion is developed. This is called Positivism Philosophy. In this form of research, the data are mainly collected from the observations and the interviews.
On the other hand, there is another type of philosophy, which adopts a naturalistic approach, which integrates interest of humans. It generally uses little theories on the topic of research. This type of philosophy is called Interpretivism Philosophy. Hence, in this research, positivism philosophy will be used because the data will be collected by the researcher from the survey questionnaires and the data, which will be obtained, will be analysed statistically.
There are two types of approaches, which are used by the researchers for research. These approaches are called deductive approach and inductive approach. The researcher uses deductive approach when a new logic or theories are used when the research is developed from older or previous available theories from previous research. In this approach, it is important to have a collection of data, which is sufficient to support the theory. The researcher collects sufficient data in order to support the theory.
The Inductive approach, on the other hand, is used by the researcher when testing of the theories is involved. It is a bottom up process, which means the research moves from specific to more in a general way. It takes literature evidence and patterns from the environment and previous research (Valsiner, Chaudhary and Benetka, 2017). In this research, the researchers have taken a deductive approach and for the generation of new theories different methods were used such as the surveys, in form of a primary quantitative data. These two approaches help in to study the theories and their practical application of the method and procedure in the world.
Analytical Process
The most important part for a researcher is to analyse the primary data that will be collected from the data collection method. The data analysis helps the researchers to get results and conclusions of the data in the research. In this research, the survey questionnaire will be taken and the data that will be collected is called...

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