Cutural Anthropology 1) Describe the concepts of socialization and enculturation and give examples of each. 2) Discuss how gender and sex differ a d why they cannot be used interchangeably. 3) Discuss...

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This is a Culture Anthropology Question and Answer Paper. The Answers Need to be thrilled and well explained.

Cutural Anthropology 1) Describe the concepts of socialization and enculturation and give examples of each. 2) Discuss how gender and sex differ a d why they cannot be used interchangeably. 3) Discuss American proxemics, and the difference between that and kinesics. 4) Explain ritual and include the important aspects of ritual and contextualize it with a real-world example. 5) Discuss shamanism and why it differs from other forms of religion. 6) Detail how witchcraft and sorcery differ. 7) Discuss Durkheim’s theory of religion and give an example of how it can be demonstrated in contemporary culture. 8) Discuss why societies with witchcraft beliefs often do not have formal legal systems. 9) What is subculture and why do you think it matters more than one’s larger cultural system? 10) Tell me how your idea of what culture means has been challenged by recent events.
Answered Same DayNov 25, 2021

Answer To: Cutural Anthropology 1) Describe the concepts of socialization and enculturation and give examples...

Shalini answered on Nov 25 2021
146 Votes
Running Head: Cultural Anthropology                             1
Cultural Anthropology                                     5
socialization is concerned as the process of learning regarding how to live in a particular way acceptable to one’s own society. It is considered especially for the children. For instance being told to obey rules is considered as socialization. Whereas enculturation is considered as the process, through which an individual possibly adopts the behavior pattern of the culture or the society in which they are immersed. For instance learning slang comes under enculturation.
The gender is defined as the range of characteristics that differentiates between the masculinity and felinity. Gender is considered as the social construct, it does not consider only the reproductive organs of a person but also the perception, understanding and role. Whereas sex is considered as, the label assigned at the birth based on the reproductive organs. They cannot be used interchangeably as they are two different concepts.
American proxemics is considered as the study of human use of space and the effect that the population density possesses on the communication, behavior and the social interaction. Proxemics differs from the kinesics as...

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