****This is a course project please review prior papers and follow each. Please see attachments.****Great news! Your concept passed initial testing and went on to more rigorous, quantitative testing. The results there were promising and you've decided to launch the new product! Now, you need to identify potential suppliers and distribution partners.
For this assignment, create a 5-6 page paper that contains the following information:
- In 1-2 pages, create a list of at least three potential suppliers and describe what they would do for your company (preferably using real-life suppliers, but you may use fictitious names if you can't locate an existing company that supplies that material).
- In 1-2 pages, create a list of at least three potential channel partners and describe what they would do for your company (wholesalers, retailers, etc.).
- Using the companies listed in your supplier list, create a diagram of suppliers that traces your offering back to its raw materials.
- Using the companies listed in your channel partner list, create a flowchart that shows at least three potential pathways to get your product to the consumer.
- Include a½-page write-up that discusses the value that each supplier and channel partner contributes to the development and distribution of your offering.
RUNNING HEAD: Product Selection 1 Product Selection 6 Product Selection Lana Johnson Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on July 2, 2019, for Dr. Hanna B232/MAR2011 Section 05 Principles of Marketing. Abstract I would like to start by introducing a new product to the company “No Strings Attached Eco-Friendly Blinds”. Although this product is not new to the world it is new to us and I think will be a great venture. As you all know standard window blinds are plastic, they break easy the never seem to last, more importantly an epidemiologic description of fatal and nonfatal window blind related injuries “From 1990 to 2015, there were an estimated 16 827 (95% confidence interval: 13 732–19 922) window blind–related injuries among children younger than 6 years of age treated in emergency departments in the United States, corresponding to an injury rate of 2.7 per 100 000 children” Bridget Onders, Eun Hye Kim, Thitphalak Chounthirath, Nichole L. Hodges, Gary A. Smith 2018. In addition, the safety of our loved ones are most important and the convenience of this item puts us aside from our competitors. Whether its kids, pets or sometimes us they always seem to break in certain places. I have done some research and I have decided to launch an affordable, recyclable metal window blind with no strings attached, but instead a hand motion censored tool and a complementary downloadable app that you can install on your smart phone to take full control from anywhere. This app option is an added convenience for any customers that may have any living disabilities. I choose this product because as a mother, a pet owner and a homeowner it will promote safety for children, save money and keep up my home cosmetically. Our Blinds are affordable and profitable; easy to clean and will not collect dust and dirt like the standard the ones do. The Venetian blind created Persia but where patented in England in 1760 by Gowin knight. The thing that sets these out from the others is we will offer many different colors to match your décor with different sizes for every window shape and size. The darker blinds will keep the sun and light out and the lighter ones will allow natural light to flow. These blinds also are self-cleaning with the dust and dirt resistant film cover on each one you don’t have to clean them just simply rotate them and watch anything on the fall off. This is an ideal thing for people that do not have a lot of time to spend cleaning every day. In addition, with our introductory offer, two for one will retain our customers year after year and purchase after purchase. We will also work diligently to have customer loyalty programs in the future. To the homeowners, rental agencies and/or private property owners every time someone moves in or out what is the first thing you notice when you walk in after a move out? It is usually the blinds right? They either are dirty or just tore up! The replacements is something that will take time and money to cover. Let us say you have four bedrooms, living/dining room, kitchen, four bathrooms and say you have at a minimum of two windows in each room. That is twenty-two windows and even if some of them are still good you do not want to only replace a few them the rest look old right? Ok, so you do the math on standard blinds and times that by twenty-two. It is ridiculous right. Therefore, my goal is to package them two windows per pack for the price of one. I know sometimes a few dollar difference does not seem big to most, but when you have other things to worry about in your home, it is important to make each dollar count. Therefore, if you really think about it they are well worth the money and will be a great investment for us all. Just think about the money you will save and the convenience. This look will make your home look new again, or prepare you for a new tenant or even putting your own house on the market for open house. I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. There are so many competitors when it come to this product. We strive to stand out. We offer the best materials safe for humans animals and with our recyclable material, it is an eco-friendly product. “Despite existing voluntary safety standards for window blinds, these products continue to pose an injury risk to young children. Although many of the injuries in this study were nonfatal and resulted in minor injuries, cases involving window blind cord entanglements frequently resulted in hospitalization or death. A mandatory safety standard that eliminates accessible window blind cords should be adopted” Eun Hye Kim 2018. We offer a three-year warranty and a free DVD installation guide. It saves money time and gives you an everyday fresh and clean feeling. We will offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Each blind made custom to your window and we offer customizations for people living with disabilities. We will double up with two for the price of one and with that benefit; it will allow you to save as most rooms come with two or more windows. You will not be discouraged you will see that you are getting your money’s worth and time saved to do other things. Many people take first impression seriously and would you want that to be tarnished by a few dirty and broken blinds whether it is your home or place of business. To be at peace knowing that pets or children can play safely and look out of the window without damaging your blinds would be one less thing to worry about. With the self-cleaning system, you do not ever have to take time out of your day to clean them and when having dinner or holidays parties at home, you will be at ease! Let us take this time to consider the pros and cons. This is one of the best products to hit retail in years. Whether you use them for home or business, they will add the perfect light or dim to any room. They will go a long way and you will not be disappointed. References Ahmad Eltaweel, Yuehong Su. Energy and Buildings Volume 139 2017, March 15. Retrieved from URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778816320412 Bridget Onders, Eun Hye Kim, Thitphalak Chounthirath, Nichole L. Hodges, Gary A. Smith. Pediatric Injuries Related to Window Blinds, Shades, and Cords 2018, January Volume 141 Issue 1. Retrieved from URL: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/141/1/e20172359 RUNNING HEAD: Marketing Strategy 1 Marketing Strategy 8 Marketing Strategy Lana Johnson Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on July 8, 2019, for Dr. Hanna B232/MAR2011 Section 05 Principles of Marketing. Homeowners only have to buy them once. If decided to sell or rent it will add value to the property. All age groups woman or men will experience homeownership in their life and this is affordable for the customer to make their dream home feel more comfortable and fit to their standards. Building owners control light settings and keep temperatures comfortable. No maintenance required. Allows different color scheme for different seasons will suit all different businesses. Interior designers a larger number of designs and colors a great profit. Will stand out in portfolio and will be available instantly and easy installation with the wide color and sizes it’s convenient and a great flip. Homeowners I feel like they will benefit all the way around. This product will stay in demand. With homeowners, it will stay popular and profits will stay up. A homeowner is always looking to save money and keeping their homes up to date clean and lighting just right for the setting. Homeowners vary in different ages male or female, none to a large number of family, different occupations, middle to higher income, widespread of education, numbers of different beliefs and just about every race and nationality. This product reaches the needs of every different occupation. It will suit a homeowner for years to come. This product will complement to a homeowner's everyday lifestyle keep them in a social setting when entertaining sets the light controls the temperature a great way to keep bills down. Homeowners value their possessions so it would be a great dollar spent. The average homeowner keeps a positive attitude about something affordable and convenient when purchasing home needs. This is something you will use every day to allow light in or even keep it out. With a homeowner, you know