This is a C program. I want you to convert it to a C++ program. Also provide a screenshot that it is still working. Here is the program to be converted: /* Write a program that will compute and...

This is a C program. I want you to convert it to a C++ program. Also provide a screenshot that it is still working.

Here is the program to be converted:

/* Write a program that will compute and display sales commission of
a Sales Representative given as input his total sales. The sales commission
is computed as 15% of the total sales. Moreover, a bonus of 1000.00 is given
if the computed sales commission exceeds 20,000.00. */

int main()
 float TS,SC;

 printf("Enter your Total Sales: Php ");
 if (SC<>
   printf("The Sales Commission is Php %0.2f\n",SC);
    printf("For Exceeding Php 20000.00 Sales Commission\nYou are entitled for Php 1000.00 bonus!!!\n\n");
    SC=SC+1000.00; // SC+=1000.00
    printf("Your Total Sales Commission is Php %0.2f\n",SC);

Jun 11, 2022

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