This is a bright poster that catches the eye. The pictures that you have used of children are attractive and relevant to your project. It would have been nice if these could be larger so that we can...

This is a bright poster that catches the eye. The pictures that you have used of children are attractive and relevant to your project. It would have been nice if these could be
larger so that we can see them more clearly. At the moment you poster is very ‘busy’ and this distracts from the content somewhat. Less is more on a poster like this. Your
choice of font size is a bit small. The layout of your poster could be improved to help the reader follow the flow of your project.

I can see that you have based it on research into childhood obesity. Your aim would benefit from being more focused. ‘Changing unhealthy eating behaviour’ is ambitious
and unlikely to be achieved just from this project. Your objectives and outcomes are descriptive. When writing these you do not need to include any justification for the
activities. This has already been presented in your rationale. Your objectives are not SMART. Use the SMART acronym as a checklist against year of your objectives /
outcomes. Every element of SMART needs to be present in each of your objectives and outcomes. I was pleased to see that you had listed process and outcome evaluations.
These should show exactly HOW you will know if your project has been implemented well and achieved what you set out to do. For example you have stated that ‘easy
collection of data on nutritional health and monitoring health trends in school’ HOW do you plan to do this? What data, how will it be collected, what health trends, how will
these be monitored, within what time frame will this take place? All of this sort of information needs to be considered and if you are thoughtful in the way that you write your
objectives, outcomes and evaluation you should be able to get this across with minimal description and justification. I’m not sure why you included ‘anticipated outcomes?
This is not necessary. However, this sounds like a worthwhile project. Well done.
Marker: C.Jeavons Date: 14/3/2017
Moderator’s Comments:
Marking Team: Date:
Components of Assessment
Grade Bandings having regard to the relevant Grading Criteria
80-100% 70- 80% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 0-29%
Explain & justify the need for a specific health promotion initiative using evidence x
Devise an implementation plan for health promotion in a community setting x
Application of evaluation methods of the approached used in the delivery of the project

Oct 07, 2019

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