Choose an example of technological change that you can use to explore the process of invention, development, and innovation that we have discussed in class History of Technology Research Paper –...

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This is a 5 page research paper on women's role in the development of computing. It must have a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and conclusion. I would like it to start with how women were the first programmers and go on from there. If you need further explanation, feel free to message me. The full description of the research paper is in the Word file.It requires more sources than what I put in the Word file, citations, and a bibliography in MLA format.

Choose an example of technological change that you can use to explore the process of invention, development, and innovation that we have discussed in class History of Technology Research Paper – Remote S2020 5 pages Double Spaced, Times New Roman font or equivalent. Submit through Blackboard Due Dates April 21 Topic Sheet May 5 Rough Draft May 12 Final Draft Paper Assignment Choose an example of American technological change that you can analyze in terms of race, ethnicity, or gender. In this paper you must relate the invention or development of a specific technology to one or more racial or ethnic or gendered groups. You can think about how these categories affected the development of the technology you chose, how different groups of people used a technology, and how this technology might have influenced race or gender relations. This technology should be something historical, meaning that it should have been invented and developed in the past - before 1990. Research issues I expect you to conduct academic research for this paper. You will need to cite a minimum of three scholarly or primary sources in this paper and three additional sources such as Wikipedia for a minimum of six sources total. You must use a minimum of six sources from outside the assigned readings. You will probably need to use sources that indirectly relate to your topic. For example, an article dealing with segregation of railroads or a book dealing with Jim Crow segregation in general can be applied to the segregation of streetcars. (Newspapers are not scholarly sources). In all cases, you can think about intersectionality. How did gender or class intersect with the racial or ethnic issues you are exploring? Citations You must cite your research using footnotes. We will discuss this in class, but examples abound on the internet. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University is helpful. Other goals In addition to exploring the history of a technology, this paper has several other goals. 1. You must demonstrate your ability to conduct research into technological change. 2. Show your understanding of the course readings and discussion as they relate to technological change. 3. Demonstrate your capacity for stating a proposition, analyzing your sources/data, organizing your thoughts, and presenting your conclusions in a clear and concise manner. 4. Write in a proper and professional manner that will be required by most office environments. History of Tech Research Paper Topic Name:___________________________ 1. Description of the Technology. This research paper will discuss women’s role in the development of computing. 2. In a few sentences, describe the issues of race or gender that you might deal with in your paper. Women made up half of the workforce in IT, yet they got paid less and are/were frequently overlooked for leadership positions. They had to deal with sexist attitudes and behaviors from men in the IT field. 3. List some sources that you plan to use in your paper.
Answered Same DayApr 23, 2021

Answer To: Choose an example of technological change that you can use to explore the process of invention,...

Rupsha answered on Apr 27 2021
169 Votes
Last Name:    8
Title: Women’s Role in the Development of Computing
Introduction    3
Women’s Role in the Development of Computing    3
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815 –1852)    3
Jean Bartik (December 1924 – March 2011)    4
Evelyn Boyd Granville (May 1, 1924)    5
Jean E
. Sammet    5
Barbara Liskov    5
Rosalind Wright Picard (May 17, 1962)    6
Racism towards the Initial Women Computer Programmers    6
Conclusion    7
Work Cited    8
Be it in robotics or in computer science, women have been pioneers in most of the fields regarding computer technology over the years. History is evidence that number of women took up courses on computer science and technology during the 1980 but with the arrival of home computers in the 1990, the number of women studying computer science dropped drastically. However, over the ages women have proved to be leaders in the field of computer science with a number of women mathematicians and experts in computer technology imaging during the ages across times in history. Computer technology came into existence with the invention of abacus by the Chinese people and this technology has been carried on by a number of people over various times across history and has resulted in the modern day computer technology that we see now. Most of the computer algorithms and technologies that we see today are a result of the building blocks of computer technology that will let down many decades ago by professional experts pursuing computer science and it is a fascinating fact that most of these experts were women. Therefore, the role of women in the development of computer science cannot be denied and women being pioneers in the development of computer science and technology is a well-proven fact.
Women’s Role in the Development of Computing
 Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815 –1852)
Augusta Ada King was a gifted mathematician of the late 19th century and is responsible for the development of computer technology largely. She was held responsible for further development in the mechanical general-purpose computers that was first conceptualized by Charles Babbage. As opined by Beebe, the analytical engine, which was devised by Charles Babbage and was published in a Swiss journal, was translated by this woman in Italian. She did not merely translate the findings of Charles Babbage into Italian but also added her own ideas and recommendations, which helped to develop the field of computer science greatly. From here it can be seen that the very first implementations of computer technology that are considered as the building blocks of computer science and technology at the involvement of a woman who made it easier for the industry that we have today to conceptualize computer technology like the way it is seen in the present day. It is convincing evidence that even in...

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