This is a 2 part assignment the first is the Outline. The outline must be done before the paper as you will need to use information on it for the paper. The outline MUST be completed and submitted as apart of the solution. The second part is the actual paper itself. You will use the Guidelines attachment to write the paper. You must follow the guidelines for the paper, keep the section titles on both the outline and the paper and just fill in the instructions with the information/analysis you wish to provide. I have also attached a sample of what the teacher will be looking for in the paper. Please make sure the solution has BOTH THE PAPER AND THE OUTLINE. A resource page needs to be used in both the paper and the outline. The paper itself will need to be 6-7 pages long and the outline needs to be about 2-3 pages. Let me know if you have questions!
This report is based on the company “EOG Resources” you may find their annual report here ( This outline must be done FIRST as the paper will need to be based on the outline with additional information. Please make sure outline is full of rich information to be used in the paper. Please follow outline and add information that is required. Delete instructions and add the information requested upon finding. This outline should have its own page for resources. Project Part Two Outline Template[footnoteRef:1] [1: Updated Mar 1, 2020. The revised/added part is highlighted in yellow.] Team number: _________ 4.3 Financial Analysis (Person responsible: _______) 4.3.1 Valuation Analysis 1) List the accounting measures (ratios, values, etc.) that should be used for valuation analysis. A. 2) Pick several companies you want to compare with EOG Resources. Please consider selecting several from the companies in Section 3.4 (Competition analysis) (The competitors we have already chosen to compare with this company is “Devon Energy Corp”, “Pioneer Natural Resources”, and “Chesapeake Energy Corp” please use these to compare). List the company names here. You will be using this list for all sub-sections in your financial analysis. 3) Make several tables (similar to our sample papers) to summarize all accounting measures for valuation analysis. 4) Make your judgement (verdict) about Insperity’s performance based on your comparison with other companies (including industry average or historical performance). 5) Briefly suggest what action can be taken to improve (if there is any) the Company on this respect. 6) List your references here. 4.3.2 Growth Analysis 1) List the accounting measures (ratios, values, etc.) that should be used for growth analysis. 2) Make several tables (similar to our sample papers) to summarize all accounting measures of Insperity, competitors selected, and industry average (if applicable) for growth analysis. 3) Make your judgement (verdict) about Insperity’s performance based on your comparisons. 4) Briefly suggest what action can be taken to improve (if there is any) the Company on this respect. 5) List your references here. 4.3.6 Summary of Financial Analysis (NO outline needed) Guidelines for Project Part 2 This report is based on the company “EOG Resources” you may find their annual report here ( This paper needs to follow the information found in the outline along with any additional information that is needed for the paper. The outline must be done FIRST and is required to be filled with rich knowledge. Please follow the below instructions and use grammar and knowlegable strategic management vocabulary. Please delete instructions and add the analysis that is being requested. Please make sure to use in text citations and use “quoatations” on any sentences that are directly copied and pasted along with in text citations. This should have its own page for resources. I have also provided samples of valuation, growth and the summary that you may use as reference for what the professor is wanting the paper to look like. Detailed Instructions for Individual Sections 4.3 Financial Analysis Hints (also for sub-sections): A. Before you start, review the related courses you have taken. Our sample projects is always an example to look at (despite the different structure it may have). B. You need to compare the Company with 2-5 competitors that you have selected in the competition analysis (Section 3.4) and with industry averages for those ratios and numbers throughout the whole Section 4.3. (The competitors we have already chosen to compare with this company is “Devon Energy Corp”, “Pioneer Natural Resources”, and “Chesapeake Energy Corp” please use these to compare) C. When you do analysis and make tables, please use a longer period of data, for example, 8-10 years’ annual data or longer, because a longer period of data will give us more accurate information about trends and shocks (e.g., financial crisis starting from 2008 or COVID-19 pandemic starting from 2020). D. From here you can find the Company’s financial information. Filings to SEC from the Company’s web site; Website of key competitors and their filings to SEC or other authorities; Financials in spreadsheet format are available in our online databases (including Mergent Online and D&B Hoovers). E. Make sure the financial data are comparable between companies. If a company you selected for comparison has very different businesses or in different industries, please find financial data for its divisions that are comparable to the Company. (Many companies do have major financial data divided by division in their filings.) F. Don’t copy and paste all the tables. Please just include the data that are relevant to your analysis. A normal mistake is putting many tables on paper with only a few sentences for analysis, which makes this section quite long, but less meaningful and less constructive. G. For each of the following sub-sections, you need to give meaning to those numbers and also offer your “verdict,” i.e., how the Company is doing after you compare it with major competitors, industry average, and its historical performance and possible solutions to make the Company stronger. H. As you will have detailed analysis in sub-sections, just a few bridging paragraphs are needed under this section title. I. Length recommendation for Section 4.3 (including all sub-sections): at least 7 pages (APA format) 4.3.1 Valuation Analysis Hints: A. You should find more information from your textbook and other materials for what should be included in valuation analysis. B. Following the sample reports is a good idea, although they are not perfect. You may include the indicators like value of assets, valuation in the market, and stock price changes, and so on. C. Comparisons are needed to interpret the data and ratios. 4.3.2 Growth Analysis Hints: A. Again, review the courses you have taken about growth analysis; B. Read the sample reports for the indicators you might include; C. Make sure that you compared those indicators of the Company with its past data, industry averages, and those of major competitors. D. Make sure you give your “verdict” about the Company’s growth based on the data comparison and trends. 4.3.6 Summary of Financial Analysis Hint: You should summarize the financial healthiness of the case company based on your analysis by comparing its data to the ideals, its past, and/or the major competitors/industry averages. Find out financial strengths and weaknesses. 2 BBA Conference Sample Paper ��������� ��� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���!��"�#���#$$�������� $�"��� %��"�&'%�&�#'#(�%�����"��&�)������#'#�*�)�+# $�!��,��%����)�# ��# ���-�)���#�#+���%+� ��$�.��� ��� �������������/������������������������������������0�������1 ������� �������2��������������#�'*���!'�-����"�����!#���#'#�*�#��&����"���3�'�# ��!�-��.�4"#��-� -�� �,����'������&$"��&��# ��"�����!#���#'#�*�� �'*�#�5����-&��# $��6�� �����"�&'%��������#)��*�-� -�� �!���3�'�# �.�7��"�������������������89:�����89;�������������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ��"��+#'*���'#� -��� ��"���!&�'���&�-�.�4����������)���"��&���"��<=>�� %�<=?5�3�'�# ��="" ��%���������#�'*�'��@�#="" ���%#+���#!*#="" $��"�#��#="" !�����&-�&�����������%��"���#�@��-�����)���������.�4"#��,�&'%����#���#="" �@���#="" $����!#���#'#�*�="" &)�����!��)���#="" $����%#+������="" 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