This folder contains an Excel Workbook containing Problems covering Modules 1-6 that you are to solve using Excel, on-line applications or other resources. There are 5 problems on 5 separate work...

This folder contains an Excel Workbook containing Problems covering Modules 1-6 that you are to solve using Excel, on-line applications or other resources. There are 5 problems on 5 separate work sheets in this Excel Work book. If you only see one problem, you need to change the "view" of the Workbook in Excel to allow you to see all of the worksheets.

Once completed, the Midterm Problem Set should be uploaded via the dropbox in this folder. The Excel Workbook contain 5 problems (on 5 different worksheets) that you are required to solve using Excel, an on-line application, or other resource. If you do not see the 5 tabs for Probs 1-5, change the View in Excel.

If you use an on-line application or other resource, please include sufficient information so that we can follow your logic and assign partical credit if errors are encountered. Follow the guideline below (and in the syllabus):

The format of the problem sets will be as follows (see Examples in Sample Problem Set Excel Workbooks for details):

  • Define the problem and state the test or procedure that will be used.

  • State null and alternative hypotheses (if hypotheses will be tested).

  • State any statistical assumptions made in performing the analysis. Where possible, assumptions should be verified using approaches outlined in the modules.

  • State probability level.

  • Data work up - include website URL if an online calculator is used, or provide information on software if something other than Excel or equivalent is used. Copy and paste the inout and output of the online calculator or include a screen shot of the input and output from an on-line calculator or other resource in your solution to the problem set.

  • Calculate test statistic(s).

  • Compare calculated test statistic or the calculated p-value with the appropriate critical value.

  • Accept or reject the null hypothesis (if an hypothesis is tested).

  • State conclusions or otherwise summarize the solution to the problem. This should include aswering any questions posed in the problem.

  • Please write in complete sentences with appropriate punctuation.

  • The file name you assign when saving your solution to the problem set should contain your last name and first initials. For example, Midterm Problem Set_JacksonWF.xls.

  • See Course Specific Information or the Syllabus for additional information

Oct 20, 2021

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