This first part of this term paper requires you to establish a working thesis and outline for the term paper. The goal is for this process to serve as a template that you will continue to use in order...

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This first part of this term paper requires you to establish a working thesis and outline for the term paper. The goal is for this process to serve as a template that you will continue to use in order to establish and analyze your own beliefs. Refer to the "Theological Paper Help Resource" handout located in the topic materials for additional assistance. This assignment is comprised of two parts:

Part 1 (300-350 words): The Christian doctrine as the main theme for the term paper is different modes of baptism

  1. Identify opposing second and third order doctrines that rival your understanding.

  2. Consider two first order doctrines that might have important relevance to the study of the second or third order doctrine you chose.

  3. Using the information collected above, write a descriptive paragraph that contains your working thesis (purpose statement).

Part 2:

Include a brief outline for your term paper that includes the following:

  1. Introduction

  2. Main points (as needed with brief support points)

  3. Conclusion

Prepare this assignment according to the Turabian guidelines found in the Turabian Style Guide

Answered Same DayApr 15, 2020

Answer To: This first part of this term paper requires you to establish a working thesis and outline for the...

Abr Writing answered on Apr 18 2020
148 Votes
Importance of Baptism
Part 1
The Christian faith is constituted of multiple levels of understanding of multitude of doctrines. In this respe
ct the contrast between the first, second and third order doctrines deserve special mention. Moreover, in this context the understanding of the importance and significance of baptism can convey a different rhetoric when the same concept is contradicted and opposed by another second order doctrine or by a third order doctrine. The second order doctrine of baptism is often in contrast with the second order doctrine of gender roles in the sphere of strengthening the Christian beliefs. Quite interestingly, the concept of gender role differences in comparison to the ritual of baptism should be seen from the perspective of a complicated rhetoric. This can be said by citing the fact that in the realm of spatial practice and choreography of the rite of baptism, gender role differences does play a significant role as such differentiation poses temporary constraints on the process of attaining baptism in a thorough manner. The second order doctrine of gender role differences also contradicts the baptismal font in the context of ministerial leadership as well.[footnoteRef:1] But contradictorily, the concept of baptism, opposing the view of the second order doctrine of gender role suggests that believers in Jesus Christ, irrespective of their gender, must be baptized and...

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