this first assessment, you are required to develop a rationale for behaviour change in the context of a physical health condition of your choice. Potential examples of health conditions may include...

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this first assessment, you are required to develop a rationale for behaviour change in the context of a physical health condition of your choice. Potential examples of health conditions may include diabetes mellitus type I or II, multiple sclerosis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, different types of cancer and so on. The choice is left open so you may choose something of particular interest to you. Make sure, however, that there are sufficient resources for you to draw on for this assessment. If unsure about your choice, please check in via email for some early feedback.

The health behaviour change can be either in respect of increasing a health protective behaviour, such as screening in the context of breast or prostate cancer, or decreasing a health-damaging behaviour, such as smoking cessation in the context of throat cancer.

When integrating these two elements to form a rationale for change, you will need to describe the health condition and demonstrate how the targeted health behaviour will improve health outcomes for those individuals diagnosed with the health condition.

The assessment is in the form of aliterature review, using current (past 10 years) and relevant literature, to establish a clear rationale for the behaviour change that will form the basis of assignment 6

PSY ASSESMENT ONE REFERENCES this first assessment, you are required to develop a rationale for behaviour change in the context of a physical health condition of your choice. Potential examples of health conditions may include diabetes mellitus type I or II, multiple sclerosis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, different types of cancer and so on. The choice is left open so you may choose something of particular interest to you. Make sure, however, that there are sufficient resources for you to draw on for this assessment. If unsure about your choice, please check in via email for some early feedback.  The health behaviour change can be either in respect of increasing a health protective behaviour, such as screening in the context of breast or prostate cancer, or decreasing a health-damaging behaviour, such as smoking cessation in the context of throat cancer.  When integrating these two elements to form a rationale for change, you will need to describe the health condition and demonstrate how the targeted health behaviour will improve health outcomes for those individuals diagnosed with the health condition.  The assessment is in the form of a literature review, using current (past 10 years) and relevant literature, to establish a clear rationale for the behaviour change that will form the basis of assignment 6 Smoking Cessation After a Cancer Diagnosis Is Associated With Improved Survival - Journal of Thoracic Oncology ( Cancer in Australia 2021, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Cancer Overview - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Cancer data in Australia, About - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( The biological and clinical effects of smoking by patients with cancer and strategies to implement evidence-based tobacco cessation support - PMC ( Lung cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Cancer Council Smoking | Give up for good | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Effect of smoking reduction, cessation, and resumption on cancer risk: A nationwide cohort study - Yoo - 2022 - Cancer - Wiley Online Library Projections of smoking-related cancer mortality in Australia to 2044 | Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health ( Quitting Smoking At or Around Diagnosis Improves the Overall Survival of Lung Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Journal of Thoracic Oncology ( Excellent resources for this rationale assignment where you are wanting to build a connection between lung cancer and smoking. Also consider: Gutiérrez-Torres DS. et al. Changes in smoking use and subsequent lung cancer risk in the ATBC StudyExit Disclaimer. JNCI. 2024. You can also try research farming – look through the reference lists of papers to see what would be relevant and also look for papers that cite the paper you are using. HOWEVER, don’t use too many papers – 5 to 9 would be good.
Answered 3 days AfterAug 10, 2024Charles Sturt University

Answer To: this first assessment, you are required to develop a rationale for behaviour change in the context...

P answered on Aug 13 2024
7 Votes
A comprehensive review on the importance of Smoking Cessation in the management of Lung Cancer
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death across the world next to cardiovascular dise
ases. As per the reports of GLOBOCAN 2020, the deaths related to Lung cancer accounts for 1.8 million per year across the world (GLOBOCAN, 2020). From the reports of AIHW 2021, it was understood that in Australia, more number of cancer deaths are only due to lung cancer, along with newly reported cases every year (AIHW, 2021). The most significant factor contributing for the higher lung cancer incidence and mortality rates is because of smoking. This is because the Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines, which inhaled in larger quantities, cause the mutations and ends in final damage to the lung tissue (Warren et al., 2020). Various research studies have reported that 85 % of the lung cancer cases are because of smoking and its impact increases with the duration and intensity of smoking (AIHW, 2021; Cancer Council, n.d.).
Hence, smoking cessation plays an important role in improving the health of the patients suffering with lung cancer. Because as smoking is having direct impacts on the patient health, quitting smoking will enhance the survival rates and quality of life that in turn improves the respiratory function and minimizes the cancer progression (Tseng et al., 2020). Besides, it can improve the chemotherapy and radiation therapy efficacy (Warren et al., 2020). The present review explores the relationship between smoking and lung cancer and also studies about the benefits of smoking cessation on the health of lung cancer patients. This will help the health care providers in developing best strategies such as smoking cessation, in turn improves prognosis and minimizes the lung cancer related healthcare burden.
Smoking and Lung Cancer
Risk Factor: Smoking
Smoking has direct impact on the lung cancer...

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