This exercise focuses on the rejection algorithm for simulating
from the posterior distribution of mutation rate and coalescence times described
at the end of Section 13.8.4. It builds on the method developed in
S. For definiteness, assume that π(θ) is a uniform density over some
range, so prior observations for θ can be generated using runif.
a. Implement the rejection algorithm in R.
b. The quantity h in Step 2 of the rejection algorithm can be replaced by
h =
= ek−θL/2(θL/2k)k,
resulting in a faster algorithm. Verify this by modifying your function in
c. Given that k = 5, generate 1000 observations from the posterior distribution
of θ for samples of size n = 10, and plot the estimated posterior
density. The function density is useful for this. Explore the effects of
different prior distributions on the posterior.
d. How could you use the algorithm to generate observations from the posterior
distribution of the time to the most recent common ancestor?