This exam covers chapters 6-12 from The Family by Philip Cohen. Each answer should be approximately a paragraph or two and should not be longer than one page for each question. Answer all of the...

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This exam covers chapters 6-12 from
The Family
by Philip Cohen. Each answer should be approximately a paragraph or two and should not be longer than one page for each question. Answer all of the following questions and submit your answers using the link on blackboard in the “Assignments” section. All work should be your own.
The exam is due on Thursday 5/21/20.

1. Provide three examples of how romantic love differs from utilitarian love.

2. Discuss the meaning of endogamy and exogamy and outline the trends in marriage by race/ethnicity, religion, sex, and education.

3. Compare and contrast the ideals of intensive mothering and involved fatherhood.

4. Describe the economic outcomes for men and women after divorce and explain the disparity.

5. What are time use studies? Describe one study from this chapter and what it has taught us about work and family life.

6. Discuss potential reasons that victims of intimate partner violence might be hesitant to end the relationship or press charges.

Answered Same DayMay 20, 2021

Answer To: This exam covers chapters 6-12 from The Family by Philip Cohen. Each answer should be approximately...

Jose answered on May 21 2021
145 Votes
The University of Queensland
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1. Provide three examples of how romantic love differs from utilitarian love
Utilitarian love is more rational, and romantic love is more spontaneous, some social theorists believe that utilitarian love is a reflection of modern culture (Cohen 2015). In that view, the shift from romantic love to utilitarian love parallels, for example, the growth of rational science replacing irrational religion as a way of explaining the world or the spread of democracy replacing monarchy. Romantic love called as passionate attraction one feels another and utilitarian love called as the rational dedication of one person to another based on some basic understanding. People in the US give more importance to utilitarian love, when they work together they make rational decisions to live together, they consider the financial aspects and according to the words of Swidler (2001) romantic love is more realistic
2. Discuss the meaning of endogamy and exogamy and outline the trends in marriage by race/ethnicity, religion, sex, and...

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