This essay is not a research paper, so there is no need for a thesis, but you should do research. A minimum of 3 good, academic sources are required (not including the text book). You can find the sources in the Hartness Library, MyMusicLab, supplemental sources in the instructor’s notes, the internet (be careful to find high quality, academic sources) and in the end notes of the text book.
· Use MLA format to cite sources in the body of the text and include a works cited at the end of the essays.
· Grading is as follows:
o Total points = 100
o 60 = content
o 20 = spelling, grammar, and style
o 20 = citations and quality of sources
·Week 6: For the biographical essay, you may choose anyone you like. Just make sure you can find enough research about the person. For the essay I want you to focus on their musical life. Some composers had very interesting lives outside of music, but don’t focus on this. Only refer to it in the context of its relevance to the music. You should focus on their era, development as an artist, historical/cultural context, how they represent or helped develop a style of classical music, and compositions.
· Write 6 pages plus a works cited page, 12 point font, double spaced, essay format with introduction and conclusion paragraphs