This assignment requires FIVE separate Java programs in ONE project. Use descriptive variable names and conventional naming for any required constants. Control of decimal places is not required in the...

This assignment requires FIVE separate Java programs in ONE project. Use descriptive variable names and conventional naming for any required constants. Control of decimal places is not required in the output of any program.

Write a program thatprints the following:

  • thedefault data type for a number without decimals.

  • thedefaultdata type for whole numbers.

  • class weeklyfuelcost renamed according to the Java naming convention.

  • an acceptable name for aconstantholding an hourly pay rate.

Write a program that executesexactlyas shown below. Use aproperly named constant for the7% sales tax rate Display of currency with two decimals isnot required.
Required Output

Enter item description


Enter item unit price


Enter item quantity


3 shirts @ $30.00

Subtotal $90.00

Sales tax $6.30

Total due $96.30

Write a program that converts a temperature in Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit. The Celsius temperature is entered from the keyboard. Control of decimals is not required.

Write a program that prompts the user toenterthediameter of a circle and then prints thearea of that circle. Look up the formula if necessary. Control of decimals is not required.

Write a program that prompts the user toenteralength in inches. The program should then express the length infeet and inches. Both unitsshould be integers.

Jun 10, 2022

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