Blog Assignment Your task is to create a blog post that presents a topic or issue for a specific audience and for a specific purpose. The choice of topic or issue is yours. Your blog should be...

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This assignment requires 750 words blog with details such as pictures, graphs and a reference page.

Blog Assignment Your task is to create a blog post that presents a topic or issue for a specific audience and for a specific purpose. The choice of topic or issue is yours.  Your blog should be designed with 5 components in mind: Topic/Issue - Choose a topic that has some meaning for you; something that you have opinions about, and feel that other people will be interested in reading. Try to narrow you topic so that you avoid overly general discussions. For example, if you were to choose “road rage” as your topic, it may be too broad for you to create a meaningful post. If you were to narrow the topic to: “road rage in the GTA,” or even, “road rage in my neighborhood” then you will be able to present the issue, provide examples and suggest possible solutions in a more direct way. Your topic or issue may be related to society, pop-culture, politics, science, identity or spirituality. It may try to deal with “serious” issues, like gender equality or “gun-violence,” or it may deal with less “serious” issues, like “the way celebrities use twitter” or “new fashion trends for 2019.” Again, the topic or issue should be something you are motivated to write about. 1. Review the BLOG post below, "What is a blog?". It should give you a working idea of what you will be required to create for this assignment. 2. Review the Assignment details below. Pay close attention to the requirements. You will be the one generating the topic and ideas, so be sure to pick a topic that you feel passionate about. Research – Your blog must present an element of research. This will help you to establish your credibility as a writer, and also puts your discussion into a larger context. Are you agreeing with arguments about your topic that already exist? Are you disagreeing with arguments that already exist? How will you place your argument into the larger context on the issue? Your research will also help you to define your topic, as well as to provide your reader with links to other information on your topic. Story (narrative)- You are required to use some aspect of storytelling in your blog. Think of the articles we read this term that used “story” as examples that helped illustrate a point. Your story element may be seen as the frame for addressing your topic. For example, if you start your blog by describing an event that happened to you or somebody you know, you can refer back to the event throughout your discussion. For example, if you tell the story about the time you were involved in a road rage incident, it would create interest for your reader while establishing an emotional appeal. Once you go on with your research to provide a context for what road rage is, or offer statistics on the frequency or psychological motivations behind road rage (logical appeals), you could then relate your research findings back to your story. What ended up happening to you after the road rage incident? Was anyone hurt? Did the police get involved? Thesis/Solution/Opinion- You need to write with a purpose. You need to decide what you want to do for your audience. Entertain? Persuade? Inform? Describe? Regardless or your purpose, you need to think of your main point in writing. What is your opinion on this topic/issue? What solution do you want to offer? For example, is student debt too high? If this is your topic, what is your opinion and what solutions do you suggest to solve the problem?    Design- The choice of how you present your blog is up to you. Here is a guide to the minimum requirements: · Minimum 700 words · Includes at least 3 pieces of research (quotations, statistics, links) · Includes at least 5 visual elements (photos, links to videos, data etc) · Includes a list of your sources in proper APA format
Answered 7 days AfterApr 01, 2021

Answer To: Blog Assignment Your task is to create a blog post that presents a topic or issue for a specific...

Sayani answered on Apr 08 2021
153 Votes
Running Head: BLOG ASSIGNMENT                            1
BLOG ASSIGNMENT                                     3
Table of Contents
Face Mask: The New fashion Trend 2020-2021    3
Issue    3
Research    4
Story    5
Solution    5
Designs    6
References    8

Face Mask: The New fashion Trend 2020-2021
As we were all aware of the pandemic situation that is Covid-19, which gave a life threatening circumstance and creates a panic among all of us. As of Coronavirus several schools, colleges, universities remained closed for more than one year, which no doubt affected the educational quality of the students as well as teachers. Apart from this several small business, formal offices, bank, rail and other sectors were found to remain close as for the gathering issues (Boan, 2020).
As it took a lot many lives, so out of scare the peoples stop stepping out from their houses, which bring a huge downfall for several businesses and brings an economic as well as financial crisis. Therefore, in order to get rid from this coronavirus face covered mask is being discovered, which protect us from the infected and polluted air.
The pandemic situation no doubt has affected our lives, ruined the education system, exploited the business and organizations, unemployment arouses because of most of the offices and institutions are found to be close. Thereby, the firms are terminating their labours as of financial crisis. As of unemployment, many young adults are involving themselves in different offensives crimes and they even choose to follow the path of suicide (Boan, 2020).
Poverty increases as these days the peoples are spending their lives without any source of income and are surviving anyhow their lives. Children are facing problems with maintenance of proper sanitization and nutrition. They are also suffering from mental instability, as they are not allowed to step out of them even to play (Smith, 2020). Therefore, the pandemic situation not only is taking the lives physically but also affecting the mental and social health, the ethical and cultural health and the financial growth of a country.
Apart from the several issues, the use of a mask put a smile...

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