This assignment is based on case study and have to play role in this assignment.
BSBPMG534 Manage project human resources Assessment 2 – Project Assessment Cover Sheet – Assessment 2 Project Instructions to the learner Print this coversheet and complete it by filling in all the required information and affixing your signature in the space provided. Your signature must be hand-signed. Scan the completed cover sheet and submit it along with your evidence submissions. Use the filename: BSBPMG534 Assessment 2- Project Cover Sheet. UNIT CODE: BSBPMG534 UNIT NAME: Manage project human resources FIRST AND SURNAME: PHONE: EMAIL: CIRCLE THE SUBMISSION Submission 1 Submission 2 Please read the Learner Declaration below and if you agree to the terms of the declaration, sign and date in the space provided. Information relating to assessments: · Learners are required to keep a copy of each assessment submitted to Assessor. · When resubmitting an assessment, attach the previous assessment. By submitting this work, I declare that: · I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment Learner, and choose to be assessed at this time. · I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions (2) that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this assessment. · I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the correct process. · This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or statement of attainment. Name: Signature: Date: Contents Section 1: Plan human resources6 Section 2: Manage team members10 Section 3: Complete human resources processes16 Learner name: Assessor: Date: Business this assessment is based on: Project description: Assessment 2 – Project Portfolio 4 Level 7, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth 6000 WA, Australia | Phone: (08) 9221 1261 | |
[email protected] Current Version: V3 Current Version Date: August 2022 Next Review: August 2023 Assessment Instructions: You must carefully read the instructions below along with the case study that can be accessed using the Simulation Pack and provide clear and well-explained examples within the tables below. 1. Carefully read the following: This project requires you to manage a project’s human resources. As part of the assessment, you will: summarise the project and organisational requirements create a project HR briefing report negotiate the details of the report with a relevant stakeholder communicate project roles to organisational personnel allocate appropriate personnel to the project tasks on two separate occasions, train project team members using appropriate human resource management methods, techniques or tools manage an individual team member to achieve project outcomes manage conflict in the project team to achieve overall project effectiveness. You can do this for the project case study provided to you in the Simulation Pack. Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, you will be provided with a case study that will expose you to real life situations and provide you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical, and meaningful way. You will be basing your project on real relationships with classmates, and this will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical, and meaningful way! As you will be basing your assessment on the case study business, read through the Simulation Pack in preparation for this assessment. All the information needed to complete this assessment is contained in the Simulation pack. You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio. You must describe the organisation you are basing this assessment on and provide a short description of the project for which you’ll manage the human resources. ( i ) Start working on Section 1 Plan human resources. Steps 2 to 6 form part of Section 1. Further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack. 1. Summarise project requirements. Summarise the project requirements. In your summary include: project goals and objectives specific project requirements (the required work outputs, tasks and project timelines etc.) organisational requirements, including policies and procedures for: staffing and project management (e.g. Recruitment and Induction Policy and Procedures, Staff Development Policy and Procedures etc.) interpersonal communication and conflict resolution (including counselling) disbanding project team at the project’s completion. ( i ) Use at least two different sources of written information to inform your summary. If any information is not available, make assumptions or establish the specific information (e.g. conflict resolution procedures) before continuing. 1. Write a draft Project HR Briefing Report. Write a briefing report that includes the following: the personnel resource requirements for the project (include at least two different team members) expected staffing levels (show your mathematical calculations to estimate resource requirements) individual tasks that will be expected of the staff members competencies expected of staff project role descriptions such as: authority level task responsibilities performance measurement criteria at least two human resource management methods, techniques and tools (HRMs) that you will use to prepare the staff for their roles (e.g. detailed job descriptions, individual and group competency identification, performance monitoring etc.)). at least two training and development methods that may be used (e.g. formal training session, on-the-job training, instruction manuals etc.) at least two techniques for managing and improving staff performance during the project (e.g. such as roleplays, reference material, YouTube videos, mentoring, counselling etc.). the processes and criteria that will be used to measure individuals' performance. at least two scenarios that may occur during the project and proposed strategies to deal with the scenarios. ( i ) You may use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work, or any other appropriate template used by your business. For the case study business, include staffing requirements and details for stand courtesy staff and stand kitchen builders only. Keep in mind, this is a draft report and you will amend the report after meeting with an appropriate stakeholder to discuss and agree on its contents. The text of your report should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style using industry appropriate terminology. 1. Negotiate and finalise your Project HR Briefing Report. Meet with an appropriate stakeholder (e.g. General Manager) to: discuss your project HR briefing report negotiate the project group objectives negotiate individual job descriptions agree on criteria to measure individual team members’ performance. ( i ) Your negotiations should result in at least one change to your draft group objectives or job descriptions. Take notes at the meeting, as you will use the agreed outcomes of the meeting to update your draft HR briefing report. Each meeting should take 20 minutes. This will be attended in person by your assessor. Make sure you follow the instructions below and meet the timeframes allocated. During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including: speaking clearly and concisely using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding asking questions to identify required information responding to questions as required using active listening techniques to confirm understanding effective negotiation skills (such as allow others the chance to present their views, respectful interaction, problem solving, assertiveness etc.) Incorporate the stakeholder’s suggestions into an updated version of your briefing report. ( i ) Change the version number of your report and highlight any changes (e.g. using a highlighting tool or a different colour for the text). 1. Communicate project roles to organisational personnel. Communicate the project roles (outlined in your HR briefing report) to organisational personnel using an appropriate communication tool. This may, for example, be a post on the staff intranet, a draft email to different work teams or a notice on the staff notice board. ( i ) Use industry-related terminology and language appropriate to the personnel for whom the role may apply. You may choose any appropriate communication tool as long as it adheres to your organisation’s communication requirements. 1. Allocate personnel to the project. Review the information on available staff to decide which staff members would be most appropriate to work on the project (at least one inter-project and one intra-project resource conflict should exist). Manage the resource conflicts as you allocate personnel to the project to meet the required work outputs and project timeline requirements. Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio. Submit Section 1 to your assessor. Section 1: Plan human resources Summarise important information for the project using the table below. Note: Use at least two different sources of written information to inform your summary. Objectives and goals of the project: Work outputs, tasks and timelines of the project: Attach proof of your written information sources to this section of the portfolio. Policies and Procedures for: staffing (e.g. Recruitment and Induction Policy and Procedures, Staff Development Policy and Procedures etc.) interpersonal communication and conflict resolution (including counselling) disbanding project team at the project’s completion. Attach proof of your written information sources to this section of the portfolio. Write a draft Project HR Briefing Report (you may use the template in the Simulation Pack or any other template used by your business). Use the table below for any planning related to your report. Note: Attach your draft Project HR Briefing Report to this section of your portfolio. Estimation resource requirements using mathematical calculations. Other applicable information: Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with a relevant stakeholder to negotiate and finalise your Project HR Briefing Report, using the table below. Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your meeting to this section of your portfolio. Who did you meet with? What did you negotiate? Which criteria did you agree on to measure individual team members’ performance? Incorporate the stakeholder’s suggestions into an updated version of your Project HR Briefing Report. Note: Attach your revised Project HR Briefing Report to this section of your portfolio. Communicate the project roles (outlined in your HR briefing report) to organisational personnel using an appropriate communication tool. Note: Attach proof of your communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. draft email, video of oral explanation to a team member, notice on a noticeboard etc.). Complete the table below to allocate personnel to the project. Describe resource conflicts What are the inter-project and intra-project resource conflicts (at least one each)? How will you resolve these conflicts? Available staff members to project tasks Which staff members would be most appropriate to work on the project? Which tasks will they work on? Why are your chosen staff members the most appropriate? Attach: Proof of written information sources (at least two) ☐ Draft Project HR Briefing Report ☐ Stakeholder meeting (if relevant) ☐ Revised Project HR Briefing Report ☐ Proof of communication of roles to organisational personnel ☐ ( i ) Start working on Section 2 Manage individual team members. Steps 7 to 9 form part of Section 2. For the case study business, further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack. 1. Train team members. ( i ) Assume that the project has not yet started. If you are using the case study, assume that you will train courtesy staff and tradespeople to interact with the show visitors. First, organise training related to the project for two separate team members (or groups of team members) on two separate occasions. ( i ) This can be done, for example, by sending a calendar invite to the team member(s), or drafting an email inviting them to attend the training. You may choose any appropriate communication tool as long as it adheres to your organisation’s communication requirements. The text of the communication should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. Train two separate team members (or groups of team members) on two separate occasions. The training should: explain the project details (e.g. objectives etc.). orientate the team member(s) with the requirements of their role. explain the criteria that will be used to assess their performance. demonstrate/explain any documentation, products or services associated with the project. support the team member(s) to perform their role using at least one support method/tool. ( i ) Each training session should take approximately 30 minutes. The training session does not necessarily have to be via oral communication. You may use a variety of methods (as described in you project briefing report). Training methods may for example include face-to-face training, an interactive PowerPoint presentation, an iMovie, an instruction manual etc. Prepare any relevant materials before you conduct each training session (e.g. Power Point Presentation). The support tools you use at one of your training sessions should be different to the tools used at the other training session. For example, if you use YouTube video clips of customer interaction role plays in the one training session, you may