This assignment is a follow-on to Homework 2. We will use the design in Homework 2 as the starting point to implement the GreenBox Entertainment Media System using classes. Use of STL collections is allowed.
You will have a .cpp and a .h file for each of the 6 classes, plus a .cpp file for main. This is a minimum. If you choose to modularize more that is ok. At a minimum this will create 13 files
Then you will have a makefile to build your program so that is now a total of 14 files
Then you need a word/pdf file as the report. you can read the expectations for the report in the rubric. That brings the total to 15 files. these should all be zipped into a single file for submission. You will also turn in a modified version of your design from hw 2 reflecting any significant changes from your original design. This makes the total 16 files
Be sure your code has a header comment block with your name, course and assignment number. you should use your pseudocode from the design document as comments to guide your coding in each of the member functions.
for your zip file use your 3 (or 2) initials plus (ex
The attached file is the instruction of the homework, the above text is also part of the homework requirements, please ignore the design part at the bottom, that part has already been completed, if there's any questions please email me. All code should be in C++.
CSCE 1040 Homework 2 For this assignment we are going to design a system called GreenBox to check out entertainment media to customers via a kiosk For this we will need the following entities, plus collections for each of the entities: Customer, Movie, Loan The data for a Customer will contain at least the following: Customer Id (6 digits) Credit Card Number (12 digits) Customer Name (up to 40 characters) Credit Card Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Credit Card Validation Key (3 digits) Number of movies active (max = 2) You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data. The data for a Movie will contain at least: Movie ID (6 digits – each movie is unique even if multiple copies exist) Title (up to 40 characters) Release date (mm/yyyy) Rating (up t0 20 characters) Duration (hh:mm) Rental Cost ($ Replacement Cost ($ You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data. The data for a Loan (The transaction entity) will contain at least the following: Loan ID (8 digit value can be auto assigned) Movie ID Customer ID Due Date Due Time Status (Out, In, Overdue, Lost) You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data. For the collections of each of the 3 Entity Classes identified above you will need to include the ability to: Add Edit Delete Search/Find based on appropriate criteria Print a list of all entries in the specific collection Print the details for a single entity (do a find first) Print a list of all Loans for a particular Movie Print a list of all Loans for a Particular Customer Print a list of all Active (future and current) Loans, all completed Loans and all Overdue or lost Loans for the Loans collection when you add a Loan you will need to verify that a. the movie is available b. the Customer does not have overdue movies still out or lost c. The Customer does not have more than 2 movies checked out but not overdue d. The Customers charge card accepted the charges You will need to provide a mechanism to report lost movies and charge customer the replacement cost. Overdue movies are charged a $1.oo per dat late fee. The standard loan period is 24 hours You will need to provide an appropriate menu system that can be multi-level if you like. You will need to load and store the data to a permanent disk file. This can be done automatically when the program starts and ends. You should also want to store after an add, delete or edit to make sure changes to the data are preserved. For this design you will need to turn in the following: A diagram set consisting of: 1. A title page with your name, assignment, course and title 2. a single class diagram showing only the relationships between the entities 3. a set of six individual class diagrams showing the attributes and methods for each of the classes in #2 4. Step by Step pseudo code algorithms for every method defined in every class in the diagram from #2. You do not need to provide pseudo code for simple accessor and mutator functions (i.e. sets and gets) 5. A 1-2 paragraph report about your design experience. All of these items should be gathered together, in order, in a single PDF File that you will turn in on Canvas for the design, and a separate PDF for the report. That is a total of 2 documents. NOTE: This assignment is for the design only Nothing you turn in should look like C/C++ code