This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research paper on your findings.In order to complete it successfully, you will need to choose a narrow, focused topic; research...

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This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research paper on your findings.In order to complete it successfully, you will need to choose a narrow, focused topic; research that topic; write a 1-2 page essay, including an image as well as text and citing your sources; and post it to the Research Wiki.

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Your first task is to pick a topic to research. Since digital literacy is the subject of the course, as a broad guideline you should choosea narrowly-focused topic that is related to the digital worldand phrase it as a question. The specific topic that you choose is ultimately up to you. However, topics related to elections should be current. (See notes in "About this Week.")

The followingare some sample topics-- you can use them as a model, but should formulate your own specific, narrow topic:

  • In what specific ways is [Politician X] using social networking in his/her/their 2020 Presidential campaign and how does this differ from how other politicians are using it?

  • How is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez using Instagram in her role in the United States Congress? How is it effective and how might it be problematic?

  • How does the digital divide affect residents in [name of country, city, rural area, etc.]?

Step 2: Research your Topic

First, take some time to work through theBare Bones tutorialfor a great lesson in doing online research. The Bare Bones tutorial is a required step before you move onto completing your actual research.

One approach to the research process is to ask Who, What, Where, When, and Why questions in your search. Put the answers to these journalistic questions into a short piece written as if you were a reporter.

Step 3: Write the Mini-Essay

Once you have completed your research, you will write a 500-word essay (this is the equivalent of 1-2 double-spaced pages). This essay must:

  • Include a relevant image in addition to the text of the essay;

  • Be based on research you did for this assignment; and

  • Attribute your sources and link to them using “nice links” to make it clear where information or quotations came from (seehow to create “nice links”). You can do what newspaper reporters do: if you have an interesting fact or quotation, briefly say where you got it (“According to ..."; "So-and-so reports that...").

Post the essay as a new page on the Research Wiki. You are also encouraged to comment on others’mini research papers, but this is optional.

If you have questions, or want to bounce around topic ideas, come to the “Q&A” forum!

Answered Same DayNov 05, 2021

Answer To: This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research paper on your...

Moumita answered on Nov 08 2021
152 Votes
Running Head: MOOC         1
MOOC        6
Table of Contents
How MOOC(Massive Open Online Course) uses digital literacy for d
evelopment? Which are the countries associated with it?    3
MOOCs contribution through digital world    3
Countries associated with MOOC    4
References    5
How MOOC(Massive Open Online Course) uses digital literacy for development? Which are the countries associated with it?
MOOCs contribution through digital world
    MOOC at the very start of the development is a worldwide online course. It became popular with the help of digitalization. It gives open access to learning materials to the students of universities and abroad. It has unique features, which provides learning opportunities for professional growth. According to Reich & Ruipérez-Valiente (2019), the way it uses digital literacy is by structuring a survey research design first. This research design will comprise 200 lecturers online at a time, from Management of various universities through various parts of countries. A questionnaire will be used as a way of collection of data. The digital literacy enrollment of MOOC is p>0.05.
Figure 1: MOOC
(Source: Reich & Ruipérez-Valiente 2019)
MOOC is using the Digital Literacy Lab for Educators (DLLE) for digital literacy of the instructors, mentors and learners. MOOC course is centered on supporting individuals for becoming good citizens of...

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