Think about local crime prevention efforts undertaken either by local communities, families, schools, businesses or by law enforcement agencies, and explain the effectiveness of these programs using...

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Think about local crime prevention efforts undertaken either by local communities, families, schools, businesses or by law enforcement agencies, and explain the effectiveness of these programs using examples. What principles and beliefs make programs successful? Is the effectiveness based on the individual(s) who run the programs or on a cohesive effort by all?
Answered Same DayDec 14, 2021

Answer To: Think about local crime prevention efforts undertaken either by local communities, families,...

Swati answered on Dec 14 2021
145 Votes
Crime prevention is basically an attempt that helps to deter and reduce criminals as well as crime. The specific application of crime prevention is towards efforts done by the government so as to reduce crime by law enforcement and criminal justice maintenance. From the societal prospective, the most useful and the best activity for crime prevention is to be adopted by the law enforcement agencies along with families, local communities, businesses or schools. If crime is prevented prior to its occurrence, the societal sufferings and costs associated with crime effects are avoided completely. Three core functions of crime prevention include crime analysis,...

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