There are times when students are their own worst enemy simply because they do not do the basics: 1. Understand the task’s requirements—if you’re not sure then ask but also remember that this is...

There are times when students are their own worst enemy simply because they do not do the basics:

1.    Understand the task’s requirements—if you’re not sure then ask but also remember that this is postgraduate study so you should be able to handle some ambiguity—just like in life and the workplace;
2.    These assignments require you to use Australian English—you only use other forms when directly quoting a source;
3.    Follow the instructions for font size, paragraph spacing, the report’s title page, etc.;
4.    Look at the Assessment Criteria Sheets—these show you some vital aspects
a.    How the marks are allocated—there may be a problem if you write 2 pages on a subsection worth 2 marks but only write 3 pages on a subsection that carries 7 marks
b.    Identify the areas that should be covered—if the report does not require a Conclusion then do not provide one
c.    Use it as a checklist—before submitting your paper go down the Assessment Criteria Sheet and tick off each item to make sure you have covered it. It is amazing the number of times students do not bother to do this and they can lose 25% of the total marks simply because they leave out the Executive Summary and the Introduction
5.    Have a copy of the General Guide to referencing APA 2016 edition 6e next to you so that you reference as required. This is in the Study Help box (top left hand corner of the Moodle shell) or ctrl click on

There is no excuse for not making a reasonable effort at the Executive Summary—make sure you read the file that has been uploaded to the Moodle shell.

There is also no excuse for not following the APA referencing guide—pt. 5 states clearly that you are to have it near you when you type your paper.

Keep in mind—YOUR REPORT IS YOUR BRAND—if it is slapdash in appearance than that tells the lecturer you do not really care and your mark is likely to reflect this.

The Assignments

Individual Assignment
These assignments are linked as shown in the diagram over the page. In the individual assignment you will, e.g.:
1.    Describe a consumer who is representative of a target segment;

2.    Analyse this consumer’s shopping using marketing theories and concepts;
3.    Write about a high involvement product that the consumer (you) have recently bought (or one that you will buy in the near future):
4.    Compare and contrast the decision marking that you went through for the weekly shopping and the shopping for the high involvement product; and
5.    Identify key insights from the shopping analyses.
Assessment Task 1 & 2: Turnitin
For both Task 1 and 2 you will be required to submit your reports via the Turnitin tab on Moodle. Turnitin is an electronic text matching system that compares text in a student assignment against a database of sources. The database contains copies of electronic text on the Internet, in published works, on commercial databases, and in assignments previously submitted to Turnitin by students in universities all over the world, including assignments obtained from internet sites that sell student papers.

Oct 07, 2019

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