There are many conditions in which a person’s communication may be impaired, either permanently or temporarily. Throughout a nurse’s career every nurse will encounter different clients/patients...

 There are many conditions in which a person’s communication may be impaired, either permanently or temporarily. Throughout a nurse’s career every nurse will encounter different clients/patients requiring different needs, depending on their ability to communicate. In turn, the type of care the client/patient receives from the nurse will depend on the nurse’s ability to communicate appropriately in every different situation. Write an essay covering the following points: • Select a Condition where communication is impaired • Clearly explain this condition • Examine and describe how this condition effects communication channels (including both verbal and non verbal) • Give an overview of the role of a Speech Therapist • Detail the strategies you as the nurse would implement to facilitate communication with a patient with this condition (this may include strategies offered from other health professionals) *​Include Appendices to demonstrate examples of aids that may used be used in the csetting Word Count: 800 words​​Referencing: Harvard Referencing System Examples:

Oct 07, 2019

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