There appears to be five sections: macro-trends affecting future healthcare system of overall 1) economy 2) demography 3) personal lifestyles & behavior 4) technology 5) federal & state government...

 There appears to be five sections: macro-trends affecting future healthcare system of overall 1) economy 2) demography 3) personal lifestyles & behavior 4) technology 5) federal & state government policies. We should all contribute to the paper and presentation in the following way: research our macro trend and ONE job you feel is needed to address that macro trend. Then each of us would write a two page paper that details the the macro trend and what the job would do to address it. Don't worry about an intro or conclusion to your two page paper but do include a properly cited reference page. explain the healthcare trend first and then explain the needed job what it would do to impact, or keep up with, the trend.

Oct 07, 2019

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