THE101 Assessment 3 THE101_Assessment_ 3_100217.Docx Page 1 of 7 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title THE101-Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Events Assessment Assessment 3 – Career Path Plan and Visual Representation Individual/Group Individual Length 1,000 words Learning Outcomes B- Describe the scope, characteristics and diversity of the Tourism, Hospitality and Events industries and how they interplay D- Recognise the various career paths within the Tourism, Hospitality, and Events industries and construct a career plan that enhances employability Submission Module 6 -11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 11 Weighting 35% Total Marks 100 Context: A Professional Development Plan (PDP) enables learners to identify key areas of learning and development activity that will enable them to either acquire new or develop existing skills and behavioural attributes to address career aspirations towards a future role. The purpose of this plan is to determine what your ideal role within the Tourism, Hospitality, or Events Industry is and what you will need to do to get to this role. Prior to completing the Professional Development Plan, students should undertake the Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment to allow for a greater understanding of what their individual strengths are and how to use these strengths to expedite their career aspirations. We recommend that the professional development planning process should be undertaken initially by the learner followed by discussion with their allocated Laureate Success Coach. It is recommended that this process should take place regularly and ideally should form part of the regular meetings with Success Coaches. However, it can be equally valuable when undertaken as a stand-alone activity. The process can then continue throughout their time at Torrens University Australia. THE101 Assessment 3 THE101_Assessment_ 3_100217.Docx Page 2 of 7 Instructions: Students are required to complete a Career Path Plan using the following Professional Development Plan template to understand where their career is going to take them and how they will achieve this goal. The following is a guide on how to use the template. Professional Development Plan: Key to terminology used in template Development Objectives are objectives that you have identified to enable you to meet the learning and development needs identified at the initial planning stage. Priority identifies whether your development objective is: • critical to your progressing in to your future role • beneficial but non-critical to progressing in to you future role Activities can constitute any learning or development activity that will enable you to achieve your development objectives e.g. formal training, on-the-job training, work-shadowing another colleague etc. Strengths will help you align what you wish to achieve (Career Goal), what you need to do to get there (Development Objectives) and how to best achieve these through understanding which strengths will allow you to best achieve these. Support/Resources describe what you need to help you achieve your development objectives. Typically this would involve support from your Success Coach, from a current or future employer, or even family. Target and Actual dates state when you intend to achieve your development objectives followed by the date you actually achieve them. Data in these columns is particularly useful when you review your PDP as it will enable you to identify any factors that may have prevented you from achieving your development objectives on the target date and build in contingencies to prevent this from occurring in the future. Review date states when you will review progress on your Professional Development Plan. Assuming that you undergo the professional development process annually, we recommend that you review your PDP every six months therefore enabling you to: • Assess your progress THE101 Assessment 3 THE101_Assessment_ 3_100217.Docx Page 3 of 7 • Reflect on your learning • Identify whether your development objectives need to be amended • Identify factors that may have prevented you from achieving your development objectives • Build in contingencies to enable you (where possible) to meet your agreed target date in the future What are my development objectives? Priority What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives? Which Strengths will best support the achievement my objective and Career Goal? What support/resources do I need to achieve my objectives? Target date for achieving my objectives Review Date: THE101 Assessment 3 _(3) docx Page 4 of 7 Once the above template has been completed, students should have a deep understanding of what their career goal is and how they are going to achieve this goal. Students are required to write a Simple Report and Visual Illustration capturing the following: Reflect on what company (s) would be best suited for your plan and what career progression opportunities this company may provide to you Identify all job titles you may be required to be employed in within the report with a short description of each of the roles. Title only required in the map. Following your research and reflection present your findings and Career Path Plan in a visual map. Map to be submitted in either infographic, pictochart, powtoon or moovly, links to all are below: Canva - Great easy to use site, gives users heaps of free options and templates. https://www.canva.com/create/infographics/ Piktochart - Easy to use site, lots of templates. https://piktochart.com/ Powtoon - Simple site for creating animated videos & presentations. https://www.powtoon.com/index/ Moovly - Another easy to use site for creating animated videos & presentations. https://www.moovly.com/ This assessment must be submitted in compliance with the following: 1. You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider reading. A minimum 2 academic (books & peer- reviewed journal articles) & 2 other sources (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, etc.) must be used per post. These should be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a reference list. References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be accepted. 2. Extensions cannot be granted by the lecturer after the submission date. In the event of serious illness or unusual circumstances, a student may apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the rules and regulations governing this application, but it is important that such requests be made as soon as the circumstance is known. Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following rubric to inform the standard required. https://www.canva.com/create/infographics/ https://piktochart.com/ https://www.powtoon.com/index/ https://www.moovly.com/ THE101 Assessment 3 _(3) docx Page 5 of 7 Learning Rubrics Assessment Attributes Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%) Content & Purpose 20% Does not meet minimum standard Lacks a clear focus with large sections of unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Content is disjointed and does not align to a main topic. Creative visual representation not delivered within the map. . Meets minimum standard Ill-defined focus with some unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Majority of content is disjointed and does not all align to the main topic. Creative visual representation minimally delivered throughout the map. Progressing beyond minimum standard Broad focus with occasional unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Most content is clearly aligned to the main topic. Creative concept with good visual representation delivered throughout the map. Exceeds minimum standard Clear focus with minimal unnecessary or irrelevant information included. All content is clearly aligned to a main topic. Highly creative concept and visual representation delivered throughout the map. Exceeds minimum standard and exhibits high levels of application Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of content and purpose of the assignment A sophisticated and creative concept delivered in visual representation throughout the map. Knowledge & Understanding 40% Student does not display a clear understanding of the chosen discipline. Clear and relevant examples not delivered Minimal awareness of chosen discipline Map timelines unreasonable, progression of job growth not apparent, Student displays limited understanding of the chosen discipline. Limited number of relevant examples delivered from course materials. Map timelines and job descriptive demonstrating reasonable, progression of job growth, diversity or Student displays good understanding of the chosen discipline. Substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Map timelines and job descriptive demonstrating progression of job growth, Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. Discriminates information substantiated by solid evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Map timelines and job descriptive demonstrating Exceptional understanding of the field or discipline/s. Systematically and Discriminates information substantiated by solid evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Map timelines and job descriptive submitted with THE101 Assessment 3 _(3) docx Page 6 of 7 diversity or interplay of the industries not recorded, interplay of the industries minimally recorded, diversity or interplay of the industries recorded, with understanding and clarity. progression of job growth, diversity or interplay of the industries recorded, with good understanding and clarity. exceptional understanding demonstrating progression of job growth, diversity or interplay of the industries recorded, with an exceptional level of understanding and clarity. Structure