The Yellow Wallpaper: Wives, Mothers, Childbirth, and Fears
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, and St Shawn Jean. “It Is Very Seldom That Mere Ordinary person like John and Myself Secure Ancestral Halls for the Summer.”
"The Yellow Wall-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Dual-Text Critical Edition, Ohio University Press, Athens, 2006.
The story "The Yellow Wallpaper" has a wide variety of interpretations. Some scholars write that it's a story about women and the suffocating roles of the time period (Victorian period, about 1835-1900). Others see it as a tale of postpartum depression before there was a name for it, and even the possibility that the story represents fear of Asians and foreigners.
For the discussion, review "The Yellow Wallpaper" story above and then Focus on one video or lecture that interested you and discuss it