BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Student Assessment Guide BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Address: Level 7, 16-18 Wentworth Street Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone :...

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BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Student Assessment Guide BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Address: Level 7, 16-18 Wentworth Street Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone : 02 8401 2660 Email : [email protected] Web: BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Intellectual Property Statement VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. By purchasing the ‘BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relations’ assessment resources (“Product”), you are entitled to use it for educational purposes only, but the intellectual property remains with VET Fair. This Product includes the following components:  Assessor Guide  Student Assessment Guide  Student Assessment Workbook  any other material to support the implementation of the Product (e.g. policy and procedures, templates, etc.). VET Fair owns all copyright to the Product as subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. This purchase grants you a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-sublicensable, and non-shareable right to use and contextualise this Product. You have the right to distribute unlimited copies of this Product to your students or internal staff, limited to only for educational purposes; however, you must not: a) reproduce this Product or produce other assessment resources based on this Product b) share this Product with any other external person or entity other than your students and internal staff through physical or electronic including online access c) use this Product for any other purposes than education (e.g. assessing student competency, conducting validation and moderation activities, etc.) d) resell this Product to any party of individual e) use this Product without affixing the following statement in each copy of a modified, adapted, customised or contextualised version of this Product that is distributed electronically or in a physical format to your target learner audience: “The assessment activities and information in this guide are derived from the BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relations assessment resources provided by VET Fair. VET Fair owns all copyright to this information, and the intellectual property of this resource remains with VET Fair.” Breaches of this copyright will lead to legal remedies being sought by VET Fair. BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Table of Contents Assessment Information 1 Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions 2 Question 1 2 Question 2 2 Assessment Event 2: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation 3 Task 1: Manage Ideas and Information 3 1.1 Develop communication strategies for the achievement of work responsibilities 3 1.2 Develop team charter to ensure consultation 3 1.3 Develop processes to ensure that issues are resolved 3 1.4 Facilitate feedback to team on outcomes of the consultation processes 3 Task 2: Establish Systems to Develop Trust and Confidence 4 2.1 Establish policies and procedures to ensure cultural diversity and ethical values are followed 4 2.2 Gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues 4 Task 3: Manage the Development and Maintenance of Networks & Relationships 5 3.1 Use networks to build workplace relationships 5 3.2 Conduct ongoing planning to ensure workplace relationships are developed and maintained 5 Task 4: Manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes 6 4.1 Establish processes and systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed 6 4.2 Implemented strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are identified and resolved 6 4.3 Provide guidance, counselling and support to co-workers in resolving work difficulties 6 4.4 Develop and implement an action plan to address any identified difficulties 6 Appendix A: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation 7 Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation Background 7 Simulation Phases 7 Your Role in the Simulation 7 Phase 1: 7 Phase 2: 8 Phase 3: 8 Phase 4: 8 Assessment Conditions for the Observation 9 Appendix B: Observation Check Sheets 10 Observation Check Sheet 1: Running an information session on consultation systems and cultural diversity 10 Observation Check Sheet 2: Facilitating conflict between two individuals 13 BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Assessment Information Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships. This Guide provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance. This assessment has the following two events: Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions There are two questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of legislation, policies and procedures that impact on workplace relationships. Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Perfect Coffee Bar You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with planning and implementing systems that will influence positive workplace relationships. These tasks will be based on your role of Supervisor in a simulation with an organisation that operates coffee booths across the city. To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources: Workplace Harassment and Conflict Policy Policy statements for ensuring the organisation is harassment free. Workplace Harassment Procedure Procedures for workplace relationships. Discipline and dismissal procedure for inappropriate behaviour Procedures for dealing with behaviours that is not within the values of the organisation. Team Communication Plan Template for the communication schedule for team members. Participant Session Feedback Form Feedback form participants of the informative session on consultation and diversity. Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best. Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response. Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:  outcomes  needs of the audience  context. Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Guide carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc. Performance required  complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook  meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide  your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific  submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes  your work must be in your own words  where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation. Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of legislation and relevant policies and procedures. Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result. Question 1 Explain how systems or policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships. R 1.provide three reasons how these systems, policies and procedures supported work relationships R 2.word count is approximately 30 words in total. Question 2 Outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships. R 1. table five legislations R 2. provide an explanation on each of the legislations R 3. word count is approximately 30 words for each explanation. BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Assessment Event 2: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation In this assessment you will undertake a number of tasks within a simulation where they will be establishing procedures to support the development of workplace relationships and then the implementation of these processes. Task 1: Manage Ideas and Information In this task you will demonstrate your skills in developing and implementing effective strategies to manage ideas and information, particularly with work responsibilities, consultation with work issues. 1.1 Develop communication strategies for the achievement of work responsibilities R 1. complete the ‘Communication Plan Template’ (provided):  this plan is completed for a minimum of two team members  the purpose column covers a short statement of the purpose  the duration covers length of meeting  the “all team members” column contains ticks confirming which communication method is appropriate  the “team member” column has the fictitious names of their team and each column carries ticks confirming which communication method is appropriate R 2. word count was not critical. 1.2 Develop team charter to ensure consultation R 1. develop a draft ‘Team Charter’:  this charter contains procedures and techniques that individuals could use for consultation  the consultation strategies must align to the communicating methods (as per the communication plan)  the consultation contains procedures and techniques  the complete charter contains a minimum of seven of these methods or similar R 2. word count is approximately 150 words for the completed charter. 1.3 Develop processes to ensure that issues are resolved R 1. develop an ‘Issues Register’ R 2. word count is not critical. 1.4 Facilitate feedback to team on outcomes of the consultation processes R 1.develops a performance indicator for feedback on all consultation issues which contains:  a maximum timeframe in giving feedback on results or progress of issues  updated information to be given to team members R 2.word count is approx. 50 words. BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Task 2: Establish Systems to Develop Trust and Confidence In this task you will demonstrate your skills in developing and implementing strategies to develop trust and confidence. This will include systems as well as interpersonal behaviour. 2.1 Establish policies and procedures to ensure cultural diversity and ethical values are followed R 1. develop a policy on cultural diversity and ethics R 2. word count is approximately 100 words in total. 2.2 Gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues R 1. deliver an informative session with employees:  use consultation processes  values cultural diversity R 2. actions within session must demonstrate all the criteria listed in the ‘Observation Check Sheet 1’ R 3. achieves a satisfactory result from the ‘Student Session Feedback Form’ with:  level of understanding achieved  confidence, trust and support in Supervisor  motivation to attempt new skills R 4. session is delivered in 45 minutes. BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Task 3: Manage the Development and Maintenance of Networks & Relationships In this task you will demonstrate your skills in your ability to network and by doing so further develop your ability to work with conflict which will improve the quality of workplace relationships. You will contact via email, an external specialist to gather information on how to manage conflict as there is still ongoing tension between individuals even after their delivery of their session on supporting cultural diversity. The intention of this networking is to develop strategies to create a number of actions or techniques to maximise workplace morale through managing conflict constructively. 3.1 Use networks to build
Answered Same DayDec 01, 2021BSBLDR502Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: BLDR502 Student Assessment Guide Student Assessment Guide BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective...

Moumita answered on Dec 03 2021
160 Votes
Student Assessment Workbook
Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships
    Student Full Name:
    Student ID:
    Date Submitted:
    Address: Level 7, 16-18 Wentworth Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone : 02 8401 2660 Email : [email protected]
BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Workbook | Student ID:
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships.
This Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions and simulation tasks. Please refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information.
This assessment has the following two events:
ment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
    There are two questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of legislation, policies and procedures that impact on workplace relationships.
    Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Perfect Coffee Bar
    You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with planning and implementing systems that will influence positive workplace relationships. These tasks will be based on your role of Supervisor in a simulation with an organisation that operates coffee booths across the city.
To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
    Workplace Harassment and Conflict Policy
    Policy statements for ensuring the organisation is harassment free.
    Workplace Harassment Procedure
    Procedures for workplace relationships.
    Discipline and dismissal procedure for inappropriate behaviour
    Procedures for dealing with behaviours that is not within the values of the organisation.
    Team Communication Plan
    Template for the communication schedule for team members .
    Participant Session Feedback Form
    Feedback form participants of the informative session on consultation and diversity.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
    Dot point format
    Presentation Plan includes the following:
· outcomes
· needs of the audience
· context.
    Full sentence format
    When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation in.
To Achieve Competence
To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements:
· complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
· meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
· your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
· submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
· your work must be in your own words
· where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.
Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit, BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships. It is important that you understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.
    Pre – assessment Checklist
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand the methods of assessment.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand the performance level required for each assessment event.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.
    Y ◻
    ◻ N
    The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if so what arrangements have been made.
    Student Full Name
    Student ID
    Student Signature
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of legislation and relevant policies and procedures.
Question 1
Explain how systems or policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships.
The three ways that systems or policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships are
· The policies and procedures give a fixed structure on how to deal with situations where conflict may arise. This allows for neutral and fair treatment
· The policies and procedures make sure that conflict is dealt with in a timely fashion. This makes sure the conflict doesn’t spiral out of control. It is quickly resolved and leads less room for it to spread among the team.
· It helps employees understand who to turn to in times of need and fosters a trustful environment. It also promotes communication and respect among the members as they are at ease in understanding that all members are working towards a similar goal.
Question 2
Outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships

1. Fair Work Act 2009: This legislation make sure that management treats the employees fairly and the conditions and responsibilities of the employee are outlined before they join the company
2. Anti-discrimination law: This legislation makes sure the employees can not be treated differently based on their culture, religion or ethinicity
3. Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Act 2017: This legislation makes sure that employees are not being exploited.
4. Work Health and Safety Act: This helps to promote a non toxic and stable environment that helps employees to foster healthy relationships with co workers. A comfortable employee who feels their safety is valued is more likely to work hard to build relationships with team members
5. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention and Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013: This law is to ensure the safety of women in the workplace. This encourages workplace relationships that are safe and have boundaries in place. This helps to help employees feel secure and safe to build bonds with other members.
Assessment Event 2 – Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation
In this assessment you will undertake a number of tasks within a simulation where they will be establishing procedures to...

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