The weekly quiz is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. The quiz is open and you may take it when you are ready. Be sure to complete all required reading and discussion before you take the quiz. If you complete the review activities and the study guide you will be fully prepare to pass the quiz. This is a 20-question quiz that contains multiple choice, T/F, and short answer questions, which will assess your knowledge on this week's Reading and Learning Resources.The quiz in timed for 45 minutes. Quizzes are closed book, you should not be trying to look up answers. If you have prepared the study guide you may use this during the quiz -- please have it printed out as you will not be able to click away from the quiz window once you start the quiz.The quiz will submit at the end of 45 minutes; watch your time. Please hit submit when you have completed the quiz.You make take the quiz twice and the highest score will record.Please click the “Week One Quiz” link above to begin.
Sociology 344: Quiz 3 Study Guide 1. What does Furstenberg believe about nature vs. nurture? · On going interactions from birth to maturity in varying and often nested contexts- families, child-care settings, schools, communities for optimal development. Which can vary both by children’s innate abilities or biologically influenced capacities and by their varying exposure to learning environments as a part of child’s development. 2. According to Furstenberg, what are some myths about social class in the U.S. that distract from our discussions about child development? · Social class position builds up over time creating huge developmental differences in the course of growing up. Social class position is mitigated or amplified over the early part of life course. Gaping disparities exist between children growing up in disadvantaged and advantages families. 3. What experiences at home impact kid’s success at school and their reading levels? · Home observation of family interactions among children and their families revealed gigantic variations in the range of words, expressions, and interaction styles, creating, in effect, a continuous and mounting difference in verbal environments that appeared to be linked to the vocabularies that children required early in life. These varying cognitive contexts were later linked to reading skills and, accordingly, to school success. 4. What is the impact of social class on our adult experiences? · 42% born into the bottom fifth of income distribution will remain there as adults. Only 7% will make it into the top one-fifth of the income distribution. For those born into the top one-fifth of the income distribution, 40% will remain there, while just 6% will fall into the lowest quintile. 5. According to Lareau, how does race and class impact parenting styles? · While African-American middle-class families do face some child-rearing problems that have no counterpart in white middle-class families, African-American parents draw on a set of generic class resources to manage these problems 6. What challenges do children in working class families experience? · Children do not have organized activities, instead they play outside with cousins and siblings, and watch television. Parents use directives rather than reasoning with their children. 7. What is the “accomplishment of natural growth”? · These parents care for their children, love them, and set limits for them, but within these boundaries, they allow the children to grow spontaneously. 8. How do race and class impact the two families in “Tough Love” the film you viewed in week 3? · 9. How does Schwartz view American’s relationship with sexuality? · American’s hold a deep-rooted fear about sex. Americans are more sexually constrained than liberated, more miserable than happy, and more misinformed than informed. The acceptance of abstinence-only sex education and laws outlawing sexual toys designed for a woman’s sexual pleasure point to the existence of a cultural fear of sex. 10. What differences exist between the sexual behaviors of teens who take abstinence vows vs. those who do not? · “20,000 students who had taken abstinence pledges and found only 12 percent kept their promise” (Schwartz, p 254). With parental fears of sex education being a gateway for young people to engage in sex, 50 percent of young people are going to have engaged in some type of sexual contact before the age of sixteen. Those that do not wish to engage in sexual contact at an early age should at least have the proper education for when the time comes, so they are at least made aware of what to expect. 11. What fears exist around sexuality, according to Schwartz · 1. Religious indoctrination and tradition 2. The double standard and patriarchal norms 3. Sexual transmission of disease and death 4. Cultural expectations about appearance and sexual acceptability and competence, and 5. Ostracism for not being masculine enough. 12. What is a “dichotomous” view of sexuality and why does Schwartz critique it? · Dichotomous = homosexual or heterosexual sexual orientation, no in between. 13. What is the relationship between the amount of housework that men and women do and the amount of sex they have? · Men who do more house work have more sex. The type of housework men did and labeled the tasks either masculine or feminine. Social class position builds up over time creating huge developmental differences in the course of growing up. Social class position is mitigated or amplified over the early part of life course. Gaping disparities exist between children growing up in disadvantaged and advantages families. Marriage is more attainable and desired amongst those that are really well off as they have a tendency to wait to finish their education and have job stability before getting married and they also have financial support from their parents in order to finish their education. The working-class and the poor have less tendency to finish college and they stop-out or drop out from college, they have less tendency to marry, yet they will have children out of wedlock. Log in Details : national university login USER NAME; 041453233 PASSWORD MsWalker1972 Click Soar Student Portal then click blackboard Click Courses Select SOC 344 select Week 3 Week 3 quiz There will be 20 Questions , The test is open .You can take it anytime