The waveform diagram below shows a sample set of input waves for a 7474 IC. Analyze the input waveforms and solve for the Q output waveform (Draw the output waveform on the graph). Answer the...

The waveform diagram below shows a sample set of input waves for a 7474 IC. Analyze the<br>input waveforms and solve for the Q output waveform (Draw the output waveform on the<br>graph). Answer the following questions<br>1<br>3<br>4<br>10<br>11 12<br>CLK<br>PRE<br>PRE<br>HD<br>CLR<br>CLK-O<br>D<br>HIGH<br>Q<br>LOW<br>1. When does the D Flip-Flop shown effect a moving the status of the inputs to the outputs?<br>The High level of the Clock Pulse<br>The Low level of the Clock Pulse<br>The Rising edge of the Clock Pulse<br>The Trailing edge of the Clock Pulse<br>What Mode of operation is the Q output of the D flip flop in at the 12 indicated points in the<br>waveform, I don't mean is it high or low, but WHY is it high or low.<br>1.<br>5.<br>9.<br>2.<br>6.<br>10.<br>3.<br>7.<br>11.<br>4.<br>8.<br>12.<br>

Extracted text: The waveform diagram below shows a sample set of input waves for a 7474 IC. Analyze the input waveforms and solve for the Q output waveform (Draw the output waveform on the graph). Answer the following questions 1 3 4 10 11 12 CLK PRE PRE HD CLR CLK-O D HIGH Q LOW 1. When does the D Flip-Flop shown effect a moving the status of the inputs to the outputs? The High level of the Clock Pulse The Low level of the Clock Pulse The Rising edge of the Clock Pulse The Trailing edge of the Clock Pulse What Mode of operation is the Q output of the D flip flop in at the 12 indicated points in the waveform, I don't mean is it high or low, but WHY is it high or low. 1. 5. 9. 2. 6. 10. 3. 7. 11. 4. 8. 12.

Jun 06, 2022

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