The vacation program will need to prompt a user several different options for the user to pick from. This will be executed in the Menu class. You will create a menu class for several objects that you...

The vacation program will need to prompt a user several different options for the user to pick from. This will be executed in the Menu class. You will create a menu class for several objects that you have not created as of yet along with the Hotel and Guest classes. You will also create a class called Vacation that will contain a main method that will run your program.

Menu Requirements:

The Menu class will be created in a package called userPackage


The constructor will call a method named display


display method

Create a method called display that will have print statements asking the following

enter guest information

enter hotel information

enter airline information

enter rental car information

This method needs to call the corresponding method based on the user selection

This method needs to run in a loop until the user wants to quit

When the user quits, the information that was entered needs to be displayed to the console.

hotel method

This method will use the Hotel class to enter the information provided

guest method

This method will use the Guest class to enter the information provided

Create empty methods for airline method and rental car method

Create instance variables as needed

Create a class called Vacation

This class will be contained in the same userPackage

This class will only have one method called main. In main, you will create an object of Menu. That is all that will be contained in main.

Running your code:

For the first time, you will be able to run your code. Please execute the code and perform the following:

Enter a guest with the name Blaze Storm, credit card number XXXXXXXXXX, vacation days - 4

Enter a hotel information with hotel name - Four Seasons, amount of rooms - 400

The console should print this information when the user quits the menu.

Video Walkthru

I have created a video walkthru of the assignment. Please follow the video to complete the assignment.Submit the file and the file. Submit a word document or PDF that contains a screenshot of the console with the code executed.

May 18, 2022

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