The University of California, San Diego, operates the Pinon Flat Observatory ˜ (PFO)in the mountains northeast of San Diego (near Anza). Instruments include high-quality strain meters for measuring...

The University of California, San Diego, operates the Pinon Flat Observatory ˜

(PFO)in the mountains northeast of San Diego (near Anza). Instruments include

high-quality strain meters for measuring crustal deformation.

(a) Assume, at 5 km depth beneath PFO, the seismic velocities are α = 6 km/s

and β = 3.5 km/s and the density is ρ = 2.7 Mg/m3. Compute values for

the Lame parameters, ´ λ and µ, from these numbers. Express your answer in

units of pascals.

(b) Following the 1992 Landers earthquake (MS = 7.3), located in southern

California 80 km north of PFO (Fig. 2.7), the PFO strain meters measured a

large static change in strain compared to values before the event. Horizontal

components of the strain tensor changed by the following amounts: e11 =

−0.26 × 10−6, e22 = 0.92 × 10−6, e12 = −0.69 × 10−6. In this notation 1

is east, 2 is north, and extension is positive. You may assume that this strain

change occurred instantaneously at the time of the event. Assuming these

strain values are also accurate at depth, use the result you obtained in part (a)

to determine the change in stress due to the Landers earthquake at 5 km, that

is, compute the change in τ11, τ22, and τ12. Treat this as a two-dimensional

problem by assuming there is no strain in the vertical direction and no depth

dependence of the strain.

(c) Compute the orientations of the principal strain axes (horizontal) for the

response at PFO to the Landers event. Express your answers as azimuths

(degrees east of north).

(d) A steady long-term change in strain at PFO has been observed to occur in

which the changes in one year are: e11 = 0.101×10−6, e22 = −0.02×10−6,

e12 = 0.005 × 10−6. Note that the long-term strain change is close to simple

E–W extension. Assuming that this strain rate has occurred steadily for the

last 1000 years, from an initial state of zero stress, compute the components

of the stress tensor at 5 km depth. (Note: This is probably not a very realistic

assumption!) Don’t include the large hydrostatic component of stress at 5 km


(e) Farmer Bob owns a 1 km2 plot of land near PFO that he has fenced and

surveyed with great precision. How much land does Farmer Bob gain or

lose each year? How much did he gain or lose as a result of the Landers

earthquake? Express your answers in m2.

(f) (COMPUTER) Write a computer program that computes the stress across

vertical faults at azimuths between 0 and 170 degrees (east from north, at 10

degree increments). For the stress tensors that you calculated in (b) and (d),

make a table that lists the fault azimuth and the corresponding shear stress

and normal stress across the fault (for Landers these are the stress changes,

not absolute stresses). At what azimuths are the maximum shear stresses for

each case?

(g) (COMPUTER) Several studies (e.g., Stein et al., 1992, 1994; Harris and

Simpson, 1992; Harris et al., 1995; Stein, 1999; Harris, 2002) have modeled

the spatial distribution of events following large earthquakes by assuming that

the likelihood of earthquake rupture along a fault is related to the Coulomb

failure function (CFF). Ignoring the effect of pore fluid pressure, the change

in CFF may be expressed as:

where τs is the shear stress (traction), τn is the normal stress, and µs is the

coefficient of static friction (don’t confuse this with the shear modulus!). Note

that CFF increases as the shear stress increases, and as the compressional

stress on the fault is reduced (recall in our sign convention that extensional

stresses are positive and compressional stresses are negative). Assume that

µs = 0.2 and modify your computer program to compute CFF for each fault

orientation. Make a table of the yearly change in CFF due to the long-term

strain change at each fault azimuth.

(h) (COMPUTER) Now assume that the faults will fail when their long-term

CFF reaches some critical threshold value. The change in time to the next

earthquake may be expressed as

where CFFa is the annual change in CFF, CFF1000 is the thousand year change

in CFF, and CFF1000+L is the thousand year + Landers change in CFF (note

that CFF1000+L # CFF1000 + CFFL). Compute the effect of the Landers

earthquake in terms of advancing or retarding the time until the next earth-

quake for each fault orientation. Express your answer in years, using the

sign convention of positive time for advancement of the next earthquake and

negative time for retardation. (Warning: This is tricky.) Check your answer

against the values of shear stress on the fault. Generally (but not always)

the earthquake time should advance when the long-term and Landers shear

changes agree in sign (either both positive or both negative), and the time

should be delayed when the shear stress changes disagree in sign.

(i) No increase in seismicity (small earthquake activity) has been observed near

PFO following the Landers event. Does this say anything about the validity

of the threshold CFF model?

Hint: Getting the signs correct in parts (f)–(h) can be complicated, particularly

for part (h). Stresses can be either positive or negative. To help get it right, define

two unit vectors for each fault azimuth, one parallel to the fault (ˆf) and one perpendicular to the fault (pˆ). Compute the traction vector by multiplying the stress

tensor by pˆ. Then resolve the traction vector into shear stress and normal stress by

computing the dot product with ˆf and pˆ, respectively. Naturally, ˆf and pˆ must be

of unit length for this to work.

May 26, 2022

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