The United States Postal Service (USPS) sells money orders identified by an 11-digit number x,x ... x11. The first ten digits identify the money order; X, is a check digit that satisfies x,1 = X, + X,...


The United States Postal Service (USPS) sells money orders identified by an 11-digit number x,x ... x11. The first ten digits identify the money order;<br>X, is a check digit that satisfies x,1 = X, + X, + ... + X10 mod 9.<br>18.<br>Find the check digit for the USPS money orders that have identification number that start with these ten digits.<br>a) 7555618873<br>b) 6966133421<br>c) 8018927435<br>d) 3289744134<br>

Extracted text: The United States Postal Service (USPS) sells money orders identified by an 11-digit number x,x ... x11. The first ten digits identify the money order; X, is a check digit that satisfies x,1 = X, + X, + ... + X10 mod 9. 18. Find the check digit for the USPS money orders that have identification number that start with these ten digits. a) 7555618873 b) 6966133421 c) 8018927435 d) 3289744134
Encrypt the message DO NOT PASS GO by translating the letters into numbers, applying the given encryption function, and then translating<br>1.<br>the numbers back into letters.<br>a) fíp) = (p + 3) mod 26 (the Caesar cipher)<br>b) Ap) = (p + 13) mod 26<br>%3D<br>c) fſp) = (3p + 7) mod 26<br>

Extracted text: Encrypt the message DO NOT PASS GO by translating the letters into numbers, applying the given encryption function, and then translating 1. the numbers back into letters. a) fíp) = (p + 3) mod 26 (the Caesar cipher) b) Ap) = (p + 13) mod 26 %3D c) fſp) = (3p + 7) mod 26

Jun 10, 2022

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