The trigger below is defined on the relation T(C, D) with the primary key on the attribute C. CREATE TRIGGER Secret AFTER DELETE ON T REFERENCING OLD ROW AS oldie FOR EACH ROW WHEN (oldie.C = ANY...

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The trigger below is defined on the relation T(C, D) with the primary key on the attribute C.<br>CREATE TRIGGER Secret<br>AFTER DELETE ON T<br>REFERENCING OLD ROW AS oldie<br>FOR EACH ROW<br>WHEN (oldie.C = ANY (SELECT D FROM T))<br>INSERT INTO T VALUES (oldie.C, oldie.D):<br>Which of the following best explains the conditions as enforced by this trigger?<br>a. Attribute D in T is a foreign key, referencing C.<br>b. Every key value also appears in a non-key column.<br>C. A key value that is present in a non-key column in another row cannot be removed.<br>d. Attribute D is unique.<br>

Extracted text: The trigger below is defined on the relation T(C, D) with the primary key on the attribute C. CREATE TRIGGER Secret AFTER DELETE ON T REFERENCING OLD ROW AS oldie FOR EACH ROW WHEN (oldie.C = ANY (SELECT D FROM T)) INSERT INTO T VALUES (oldie.C, oldie.D): Which of the following best explains the conditions as enforced by this trigger? a. Attribute D in T is a foreign key, referencing C. b. Every key value also appears in a non-key column. C. A key value that is present in a non-key column in another row cannot be removed. d. Attribute D is unique.

Jun 10, 2022

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