The tortoise and the hare the scenario The Tortoine and the Hare f inaly have t the starting line and runs at a rate of 6 feet per second. T 2at ths ace The The e bov thay long awated rematch. The...

The tortoise and the hare the scenario The Tortoine and the Hare f inaly have t the starting line and runs at a rate of 6 feet per second. T 2at ths ace The The e bov thay long awated rematch. The tortoise gts a 1,000 foot lead and runs per second. THE ASSIGNMENT a story abour the race. The story ary should contain the folilewing events and information in chronological the 1. When wilsl the Tortoise and Hare pans each 2. When will the Tortone and Rat pass esch other J. When will the Rat and Hare pass other ton and ate pns each other and how far will they be from the starting ine? and Hae rat Pass each other and how far wil they be from the starting ane? . When will ttrace s ch other and how far will they be from the starting ine? 4. Atter one minute into the race, how far wil 5. When will the rat cross the starting ine 6. If the race is a quarter-mile long who w wil When wit will win and what wil be the margin of victory (both tieme and distance)? Accompanying your story will be the folowing L. Equations for each o 650 seconds, and a of the runners, relating tme t to dstance from the starting ine d. emo, at three equotiors on the same coordnate plane, with a domain of 0 뜨 t or 053 1500 feet. Be sure the gaph shows aa signficant data points. the calculations Attach your story and graph. Make sure the storys in chronological crder. wite equations for each of the runners, relating time t to dstance from the starting ine d equation for both the one minute mark and the finish ine. . Also, include an Tortone Hare: Rat: 1. When will the Tortoise and Hare pass each other and how far will they be from the starting line? Seconds Distance From Start feet

May 19, 2022

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