The topic of my essay is art therapy and how it benefits patients who use it. Here is the rubricINTRODUCTION – 1-2 paragraphs•Set up the topic and get readers’ interest PROBLEM SECTION – 1 ½-2...

The topic of my essay is art therapy and how it benefits patients who use it. Here is the rubricINTRODUCTION – 1-2 paragraphs•Set up the topic and get readers’ interest PROBLEM SECTION – 1 ½-2 pages•Begin with showing there is need or problem. Consider the power of descriptive writing and narrative for this. Use your secondary source/s as well as your own observations and knowledge.•Make a strong claim (A should do B because of C). Note: there are other places the thesis may be stated, but it makes sense rhetorically to include it at the end of the Problem section.SOLUTION SECTION – 1 ½-2 pages•Show the benefits of solving the problem in general. Use your secondary source/s as well as your own observations and knowledge.•Identify solutions – provide at least 2 solutions, but then argue for one in particular after mentioning the less attractive choice. Justify how your solution best meets the needs of the audience. The one solution you want accomplished should be detailed and specific.•Explain the feasibility of your solution (it should be something the audience can accomplish). CONCLUSION – 1 paragraph•End with a request for approval of your proposalNote: i wrote my version of it already, but my teacher said it was incorrect. Here it is.Healing power of Art therapyTalking with a specialist about close to home issues or life can be harsh, however they can get you out with things that you are experiencing throughout everyday life. Talking to a therapist can offer emotional release and finally being understood. But if you don’t have the money or the time to speak with a real therapist, then you can manage to cope with your problems at home. Art therapy can include utilizing music, dance, drawing and other art forms to help express emotions and promote rejuvenating. Mental health professionals should encourage their clients to include drawing in their therapy because mental health can be really draining and make you just not want to do anything with yourself. People have been relying on the arts to communicate, express themselves, and heal for years. Doctors noted that individuals suffering from mental illness often expressed themselves in drawings and other artworks, which led many to explore the use of art as a healing strategy. People can focus on their own perceptions, imagination, and feelings. People are encouraged to create art that expresses their inner world. Art therapy has been shown to benefit people of all ages. Research indicates art therapy can improve communication and concentration and can help reduce feelings of isolation. This type of therapy has also been shown to lead to increases in self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness. Because art therapy allows people to express feelings on any subject through creative work rather than with speech, it is believed to be particularly helpful for those who feel out of touch with their emotions or feelings. Individuals experiencing difficulty discussing or remembering painful experiences may also find art therapy especially beneficial.Artistic creations can be very therapeutic for those who are healing or seeking deeper understanding of themselves and their personalities. One review of the effectiveness of art therapy found that this technique helped cancer patients undergoing medical treatment improve their quality of life and alleviated a variety of psychological symptoms. Drawing helps us focus on the message we want to get across to people. Also, it helps distract you from difficult problems or difficult situations that you go through in life. Drawing allows you to go at your own pace and escape reality and enter your world and create art. Drawing can help our brains understand that there are many solutions to a single problem. 'It helps ability to create interesting new things, which problem-solving is a part of. Art therapy can be used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and psychological distress. An art therapist may use a variety of art methods including drawing, painting, sculpture, and collage with clients ranging from young children to the elderly.Drawing in general can help put you in contact with your inner self. Drawing can be like a personal diary where you draw how you feel. Visuals can be much more telling than words and a way of doing things point of understanding yourself better? Through drawing you can become more in touch with yourself then you can become more in touch with other people.

Apr 13, 2021

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